The Internet may list every book that was ever written, but how do we sort through the clutter? How do we find the kinds of books that we love, that our students love? Sure, choice is good. It’s nice to know that an endless world of options is a mere Google search away, but I for one am on choice overload and something tells me that some of you are too. To make finding great books easier for you and your students, I’d like to share five of my favorite book recommendation websites with you.
Help Students Find Books They’ll Love: 5 Websites for Reading Teachers
Book Seer
Book Seer likes to keep things simple, so we’ll do the same.
Users are asked to complete the following sentence: “Greetings. I've just finished reading___________by_________. What should I read next?”
Armed with your answer, Book Seer combs for similar books.
What Should I Read Next?
Enter the title of a book you like and What Should I Read Next? will analyze their huge database of real readers' favorite books to provide book recommendations.
How are you feeling today? Happy, sad, somewhere in between? Do you like edgy books, or would you prefer light reading? No problem, Whichbook allows you to customize your book search based on mood, taste, genre and several other factors to help you find books that suit your disposition.
A few weeks back, we mentioned a social cataloging website for books called GoodReads. Shelfari is similar to GoodReads in that it allows users to build virtual bookshelves, rate, review, and discuss books with other users. Shelfari is a useful tool for finding great books, but it also comes in handy when you want to connect with likeminded readers.
Your Next Read
Type the name of your favorite book, author, or genre of your choosing into the Your Next Read search bar and you’ll arrive at an interactive book web and a sidebar of reviews. If you’re not satisfied with the results, simply click on more books and new books will appear in your web.
Thanks for sharing those valuable websites, I found that was interesting for young kids I will definitely start using it with my 6 years old son.
I'm glad you found them helpful! Thanks for reading.
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