I am interested in creating some flash activities for my students to do online that lets them interact with information. I teach 2nd and 3rd graders and use Moodle as a way to supplement the classroom. I like flash because it usually plays on any computer they use. I don't want to create drill and practice games; I've seen the sites to create those. I want to create activities that let them use higher order thinking and graphic organizers. I've taught myself how to do a lot with technology, but am not an expert. Does anyone have a suggestion about where to find the tools and knowledge I need to create these kind of activities?

Tags: Moodle, flash, technology

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Hi Lezlie,

There are websites out there which can provide you with the tools to do just that for example ExploraTree or Think It

Alternatively learn how to use Flash by following this handy guide to creating your own interactive diagrams:

Create learning resources using Adobe Flash

Hope this helps?

Thank you for responding. I had tagged the Explora Tree site to look at later, but will look at it more closely now. Have you used the product called Flare? Here is a website that explains it. http://flare.prefuse.org/

If you think of any other suggestions, please let me know. I will definitely look at them.




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