I had a wonderful time at the meeting Friday and Saturday. Most of you expressed interested in meeting again. I would like to propose we set another meeting in May or June on a Saturday from 9a-12p. Going forward, a monthly or bi-monthly meeting was requested. We could do a weekday during summer, but I think we will get more teachers if we do a weekend date going forward. Melissa Green has tentatively agreed that we could use facilities at Sac City College again, which would get us wifi and a place to sit. What say you all?

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What about reserving a couple of meeting rooms at a library. Free and wifi included. There is a new library in Roseville that has several great rooms next to each other. Of course, where we met last time would be more central. I would offer my school, in Carmichael, but there's only room for 20 in our lab. The other rooms are small.
Okay so we're back to picking a locale. I'm gonna make up a google form, so we can see what folks want to come, where they will meet etc. We have a community room, and smaller meeting rooms at my local library too, but I'm not sure if the wifi stretches well to those rooms? I'll check it out.
Yes, I'm interested! Maybe early June or else early August would work for me, though I could probably squeeze something in somewhere else.
Hey everybody, can you fill out this form so we can figure out when and where to have the next meeting:
Just filled out the form and will spread the word. Thanks for doing this for us, Alice.
I think I let most people know about it. How many filled out the form? Any consensus?
Caught me at the right time. Here it is: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=r090Cwv5actNHG4YJ-6HR5w
And this should be the summary: http://spreadsheets.google.com/gform?key=r090Cwv5actNHG4YJ-6HR5w&am...

There is NO consensus on dates, with most choosing after June for a date. We could try a small meetup either the week of 6/15 or 6/22? I vote for 6/15 because I'll be busy getting ready for NECC, but I'm willing to try for the sake of the group if needed.

SO! Who will join us at a Public Library meeting room in either Roseville or South Natomas the week of 6/15? I'll add it to the events tomorrow. IF I forget Donnelle, feel free to do so yourself. You can decide if it will be out by you or closer to me. If you decide on South Natomas, let me know and I'll see about reservations.
Looks like it will be a party of four. ;)
Still good to meet??
I'm down with it...
If we get on the ETLN Breeze thingy, let's bring it up there.



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