Ok all 21st century educators I need your help. First off I commend all of you for your outstanding contributions to this Online Learning Network.  I am sure you all are outstanding teachers when it comes to intergrating technology in your classes.

Ok here is my question. How in your school building is professional development being done when it comes to technology training for your entire staff? Budget cuts hit our school corporation in Indiana real hard and our technology coordinator was put back in the classroom with no notice due to a teacher that retired early.  We have 1: 1 Computing for seniors only and our whole building will be wi-fi for grades 9-11 by this fall. We need help and it can't just be one teacher that steps up to help our staff. It has to be a group leadership effort. So any workshop handouts, guides, sample technology staff websites, tutorials, Ning sites, Moodle sites, out there that you are willing to share with me would be greatly appreciated.  I really do hate this econonmy. Technology should not be cut. Technology in education is the key to outstanding learning and collaboration. Email me back here in this discussion thread or email me at marnold46234@gmail.com

Mark Arnold
Brownsburg High School

Tags: Development, Professional

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You are right. It is too much for one person. Our district has a Technology Team. It includes representatives from Elementaries, Middle School and High School. All are regular classroom teachers, (although at least one does teach technology), and teachers with an interest or background in technology. The group is led by our Curriculum Director and Technology Coordinator. The Tech Coordinator is more in charge of hardware/network aspects, the teachers handle the curriculum side. The team meets maybe once every month or so for a morning or afternoon and discusses what they see as the most pressing elements for staff development. They give professional development tutorials at in-service days.



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