I am currently working towards the development of a global project that wraps around the general them of "Students Helping Students Raise Global Awareness".  A colleague and I are reaching out to teachers around the globe so that we may connect our students to create an authentic learning environment.  Students will question other students from various countries through a wiki and ning and I will work to monitor through a CMP - the use of netvibes.  Any thoughts out there?  I would love to hear any advice or guidance teachers out there might have.

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Amy, this sounds like an awesome idea.  Unfortunately, I can't collaborate at this time -- its too late in my semester; however, I would be interested in something like this next year.  I teach grade 10 Civics (Canadian gov't, Global and Active Citizenship) and grade 9 Geography. Global awareness fits appropriately into both my curriculums.

What grade level do you teach?  How many hours would you spend on a project like this?  What kind of computer access in required for the students?  Do you look at specific events around the globe or are your students working in generalities?


I would be interested to hear your thoughts as well.



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