Hi Everyone,
This is my first post on Classroom 2.0. I teach middle school math/science at International School Bangkok and next year will teach middle school math science in Beijing. I'm interested in setting up a wiki on Wikispaces for the next school year. I'm thinking of having kids learn more about the 20 Global Issues outlined in the GIN website l and
East Asia Regional Council of Schools. The goal would be to have kids set up a RSS reader and subscribe to sites, blogs, etc where they can learn more about one of the global issues and build a page on the wiki where they would share good info, build understanding and reflect on their learning. I'm excited about the idea of other students from around the word joining my students in this endeavor. So I'm envisioning kids from China working with kids from Thailand, Egypt, Morocco, Canada the US... Any ideas about the best way to go about this project? Want to join me? Many thanks!

Tags: Global, High, Jean-François, Noon:, Problems, Rischard, Solve, Them, Twenty, Years, More…by, global, issues, network, to

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Please join the "Global Lean"

blog at http://globallean.edublogs.org
AND NING http://globallean.ning.com

Give the world a voice in a joyful celebration of diversity!

Thanks! Peggy Sheehy



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