Hi, Can anyone tell me how to stretch a Glogster page to fit into a Wikispaces page. This is the code for my Glogster page:

I tried adjusting the height and width, but it still stays the same size. I imagine it has to do with "AllowFullScreen" but I don't know enough HTML to change that.

Thanx so much!!

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Hi Faith,

I changed the values for height and width at the end of a sample snippet and it worked for me (couldn't use yours because these comments read the HTML). You need to make sure that they are the same ratio as the initial measurements.
eg height="812" width="600"
or height="1082" width="800" this looked best on my laptop but on lower resolution screens the 600px width is probably better.

Here is the 800 wide version:

I hope that is a help.

PS It doesn't come up 800 wide here in NIng. Weird, it is definitely the full 800 wide in Wikispaces
Strange that that embed is different! It gives the Glog a width of 960px, nice find!
Hi Kim - did you try using the embed code that is in the "Share" button at the bottom of the glog? Use that code, change the height and width and should make it work. Let me know if any issues. We have literally thousands of glogs on wikispaces, so let's make it work. Thanks! Andrew
Thank you all for you advice. I went back to my original Glog page and I don't see "embed to web page" anywhere. Are you in regular Glogster or Glogster.edu (that's where I am.)
Thanx again,
go to the bottom of your account profile, find my glogs, and copy the embed code

when i embed glogs in wordpress, not only do i have to change the pixel values according to ratio, there's also a scale % number you have to edit according to ratio as well... see example below... changed 960w down to 555, but also scale from 100 to 57...

e.g. iframe src="http://www.glogster.com/glog.php?glog_id=1823913&scale=57" width="555" height="752" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" style="overflow: hidden;">
Thank you so much. i think that was the solution that I was looking for. I'll try it out when i can work on it later today and I'll let you know!! THank you!
Hi Faith,

Instead of specifying the width in pixels, i.e. width="752" , I think you can just specify it as: width="100%" and that will cause the embedded window to match the wikispaces page width.

That didn't work when I tried it. I might have messed something up though...
Nice catch, Jason.

I played around with the embed codes from Glogster, and I think I found a useful version. This is identical to Jeremy's suggestion, so the link just adds a worked wikispace example.

- Jay
Jay, would you be willing to look at my wikispace w/glog? I have tried the suggestion you gave Faith. Why does my glog slid all they way over to the left and down?
This is one I am setting up for my third graders.....https://reh3rdgrade.wikispaces.com/

Hi Terri,
I tried to look at your wiki but it requires a password. I'd love to see how yours turned out. I haven't actually used Glogster yet with my classes. I'm curious about your experience. I'd like to try it with my 4th graders. I just did Photopeach with my 3rd and 4th graders and they posted their slideshows on their blogs. It was a big hit!
Hi Faith,

I have some reluctant boy writers and they love conversing on Wikispaces. They even correct each others spelling. Occasionally I post a question or my 8th grade daughter (whom they love to converse with) posts questions.

Also, one of the things we do for homework is homework journals. They have a composition notebook they use and a grid from which they can pick 2 or 3 things to accomplish, some of which they can post to the wiki. (A copy of our HW journal is attached).

My glog is pretty crude but I did not want to spend too much time on it until I knew what I was doing. Were you able to even look at my wiki? If you ask to join, I will give you permission. I don't know how to allow you otherwise.

Thanks Faith,




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