Hello everybody!

I am trying to find a way to feed the class Facebook page with Google site updates. Any ideas?


Gisele Cordero

Tags: Facebook, Google, site

Views: 405

Replies to This Discussion

Hi, did you tried with de Facebook iGoogle Gadget? I tried and walked. Anabel

Hi Anabel


I did not try iGoogle.  I will research and let you know if works. 

Thank you very much for your suggestion. 

OK. You must edit your google site, and insert "new gadget". After that look for "Facebook iGoogle" gadget. Good Luck! (sorry my english grammar and vocabulary ;-(


Para nada Anabel tu inglés está bien. 

I tried yesterday but it is not working. My goal is to feed the Facebook group with updates from my Google site not to see my Facebook in Google Site. 

Nevertheless, thank you!


PS: De dónde eres? Yo soy de Costa Rica. 

Hola Gisele ! Soy de Argentina. Qué bueno encontrar gente interesada en estos temas y que hable español! Te cuento que estoy implementando Google Apps en un Colegio (K-12). Me va a gustar mucho poder intercambiar ideas contigo. Cariños!
Hi Gisele,

I have had exactly the same question. Most of our teachers have Google Sites and it would be really useful to push info from there sites to Facebook.

Hope this can be resolved.


Hi Roger

I will keep trying and let you know if I succeed. I found Google sites very useful but Facebook has more traffic and my students check it everyday. 

If you have any ideas let me know. 




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