Anyone have any info on google wave? I am a bit confussed about what it actually is. Thanks

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Ditto as to where to find you. Is it a public group? I'm riding the wave also, and trying to test it for educational applications.
Hola Box, already there, mind adding me?


#GoogleWave #Beta #Tester #Search ^SM

@FJPalacio on Twitter.
Would Google Wave be similar to Twitter - communication in real-time?
Similar and NOT limited to 140 Chars... also they say that developers are flocking, much like they did to Twitter, and extending the 'API' with a gazillion features... that and the fact that many call it the "New SMTP" (Email Protocol) makes it worth watching, IMHO.

Once again, find me at Francisco.J.Palacio@GoogleWave.Com
Hi Renee,
If you would like an invite to google wave let me know and I will send you one.
my email:

I have a couple of students who are using it and, wouldn't you know it, they happen to be collaborating on a classroom project right now! :-)
I have seen how they use it and it is really cool.
They start a "wave" and invite the other to it. They upload any documents, or links to documents (they are also using google docs for the other members in their group who were not interested in using wave) and then both of them can read, write, chat, add video and watch... all in real time. To be honest with you, it didn't make that much sense to me until I actually got my invitation and tried it out. THE PROBLEM IS.... not a whole lot of people are using it right now, and how good is a social tool when all of your friends and colleagues are not using it. (That was my problem with Jaiku... nobody was there) However, I think google wave will eventually catch on with people and the good thing is that because it is still in beta, it will be constantly changing and improving. So let me know and I'll send you an invite.
intresting, thanks for the information, i got an invitation for another friend but thank you any way. Hopefully I i will be waving soon
does anyone have a Google Wave invite left. If so I would love one my email is
I have Google Wave and I am enjoying using it. It's quick and user friendly. WGB
I offered to provide Google Wave invitations to the 9 best uses for Google Wave in October right after Wave was publicly launched. I received a great response and posted the best 9 ideas on my blog. Although the technology is a bit quirky right now (although it has improved remarkably in the last month), its potential is huge! Happy Waving!
I asked for an invitation. Is there a timetable to be told yes or no for Google Wave?
It took me 2 weeks from asking to receiving...Hope that helps!
There is little value until they work out some of the bugs and open it up to everyone. At that point, the collaborative features will allow students to work together in the classroom, at home and any time of the day or night without having to be face-to-face. This is huge for high school students who are working around family, activity and work schedules. With some structure by a teacher, this could even be used for web-deployment of a course. It's not terribly feature-rich yet, but it is open source and getting enough attention that I thinkwe'll see some good things come out of it.



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