If you have begun, have joined in, or want to recommend public Waves to other members here feel free to let everyone know here in this thread.

There may be non-public Waves too. Perhaps you are involved in a Wave that the participants do not want to make fully public but they do want to know who would like to be added in to the Wave from here. Give a description and ask people to respond that want to be added to that Wave.

Tags: Wave

Views: 265

Replies to This Discussion

I started a public K to 12 Science Teachers wavelet. It is set to public. If you would like to jump in, the Wave link is https://wave.google.com/wave/#restored:wave:googlewave.com!w%252Bt4...
I also have started a Teachers Using Elluminate public wavelet. Feel free to join in at https://wave.google.com/wave/#restored:wave:googlewave.com!w%252Bw2...
Another one... A wavelet about Concept Maps. Jump on it at https://wave.google.com/wave/#restored:wave:googlewave.com!w%252Bzt...
Looking for waves dealing with technology use in the classroom. I teach High School media art on macs...lots of fun all day long....any one else doing creative projects with Adobe software, Final Cut Pro etc. let me know.

Jamie did you find one? I would be interested as well.....
I'm a bit of a calendar freak. I've started a "Today is..." wave.

I'm thinking that teachers could reference this to introduce diversity topics of the day into the classroom.
A few templates for teachers and students (and a couple for my artist friends): http://www.poojasrinivas.com/googlewave/templates.html

ArtisticWaves - a closed group for Artists on Google Wave: http://www.poojasrinivas.com/artisticwaves
You can join this group to get access to the waves listed on the website.

Please consider aiding my research on using Wave in education by taking a short survey.

The aim of this survey is to aid an academic research project on the future of collaboration in education. The working group will use the results to design theoretical technology based on specific needs for tomorrow's educators and students. If you would like to see a statistical abstract of this poll, or if you are interested in receiving more information about the final product (whether it be a research paper or actual software), please enter your email address.
Hi Tammy, great initiative!!
I am new to wave and it took me a while to figure out how I post in an exact location.

Why did you choose Wave as the platform?

I must admit that I find it less convenient then, say, a ning network. K to 12 Science Teachers can be a group even on this network, and each of the titles in the wave can be a discussion on the group. I think it could be a lot easier to browse, then a long list you need to scroll (especially with the annoying Wave scroll...). I actually wanted to copy all the text from the wave to any text editor - email or word - so I can read it conveniently. No copy-paste option (only in edit mode you can copy a text).
I find Wave to be a lot more flexible than forums and groups. Especially for a classroom situation, I can embed waves into the class website and have everything available in one place rather than have the students remember 4-5 URLs per class. Plus, the gadgets/extensions make the discussions far more interactive. Here's a wave introducing the various features I use in Wave: https://wave.google.com/wave/#restored:wave:googlewave.com!w%252BPR...

Re. large messages in Wave, here's what I do:
- minimize the inbox (middle panel), navigation, and contacts by clicking on the minus button on the top right corner of the panel. This gives the message a lot more space and is also less distracting since I don't see new messages pop in to the inbox :-)
- use Keyboard shortcuts: Pressing spacebar takes you from one unread blip to another
I don't find Wave too convenient either. It would be easier if it was linked to my regular Gmail account, but they made an entirely separate sign on and I don't usually think to sign on. But I am still experimenting with it.
If you don't log on to Google Wave everyday, you can install a plugin in your browser to let you know whenever there are new waves or replies to waves you are following.

If you use Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/14973

This plugin adds a Wave icon at the bottom right corner of your browser window and will show the number of unread waves in your inbox.

If you use Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/aphncaagnlabkeipnbbicmc...

This extension adds a Wave icon next to the browser address bar (on the top right corner of your browser window) and will show the number of unread waves and display just the unread waves when you click on the icon.

If you use some other browser, let me know and I'll try to look for an alternative for you.



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