I am about to begin a PhD with my focus on the incorporation of technology in the elementary curriculum and math. I would like to choose my topic for my final dissertation and I cannot decide whether to do it on handheld technology supporting math such as the iTouch, or on how interactive boards support the teaching and learning of math. I would love to hear people's thoughts on this subject.
My email is helencrompton@hotmail.com

Tags: PhD, Technology, education, elementary, incorporation, math

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At my school, we use an e-beam, which makes any whiteboard interactive - good for whole class work or interactivity. Our primary school is field testing i-touches in years 5 and 6, with support from Apple. You could combine them both, which is what I thought that I would do - if you can connect the i-touch through to the overhead projector to the e-beam interactive whiteboard.

handheld technology does not encourage social interaction, I think, as much as an interactive whiteboard - but perhaps this is the angle you are looking at.
Hi Jennifer,

This sounds very interesting, where are you from? I noticed that you said years and Primary, are you in the UK. I would like your email address to talk further if this is okay?

I use the interactive white board quite regularly and am amazed at its expanding potential for doing some really interesting and engaging students centred tricks. i often think would be a useful project to see how much is the IWB affecting the learning and if is making learning maths any better!
i do use it with adults, but would think it would be similar for childrena, so let me know what you decide... be very interested to know a little more about your PhD...Venus
I am writing a grant for technology and was wondering what types of classroom technologies teachers find to be the most helpful- interactive whiteboards, handheld interwrite boards, ipods, student response systems, or anything else? Please tell me what you value the most.
I truly enjoy reading your post, and this post is no omission. I have spent a few grave times reflecting on the variation flanked by how others suffer regarding Interactive Whiteboards.
I have used an interactive tablet, both USB and bluetooth. I like the flexibility of the bluetooth to roam the classroom. the USB has its drawbacks, in that you are tied to the computer. Once you get use to them, they are so nice and you use a lot less paper. Students like the technology also.
A mashup of both seem to make a great combination .. a "TouchLab" concept might make a good dissertation ;)


- Rich



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