I am thinking about bringing Blogging into my class of high school ELLs (beginners and very weak intermediates). My school has not met its API with 4 subgroups: special ed, disadvantaged, Latino/Hispanic, and socio-economically disadvantaged. These kids feel actual mental stress just at the thought of writing.
Well, like it or not, they need to do it so it falls on me to help them re-evaluate the need to write and discover the benefits which will eventually come from it.
For this to occur, I thought that the idea of publishing class writings might be exciting, but I am absolutely new at it for students (though I do have two blogs of my own). I really want this to be a positive experience and would appreciate any advice you could offer no matter what grade level you work with.
Thank you in advance for any guidance you can offer here:)
Tags: ELD, ESL, Elementary, English, Middle, School, Secondary, Technology
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