I am an ELIC (English Language Instructional Coach) for content teachers with ELLs in their classes. I try to support social studies teachers with websites that provide ELLs with key background information to help them follow lessons/lectures/assignments, etc.
One site that I found in a NY Times article was
http://museumbox.e2bn.org/ .
Has anyone tried it out? If so, would you have any suggestions that I could pass along to my colleagues? My "suggestions" carry more strength when I can point out that the suggestions came from REAL history teachers :) I expect that the newbies will want to look at it (or any other sites Ican find), but it is the veteran that I am trying to inspire to look into web 2.0 tools.
Any feedback you could give would be appreciated:)
www.ellteacherpros.com (upcoming FREE August Newsletter is devoted to free web2.0 teaching tools---just subscribe)
Tags: eld, english, esl, geography, history, science, social, studies