Help me get a book published by explaining why a book on harnessing the power of cell phones in education would be beneficial to your school or district.

I'm in the
process of co-authoring a book on strategies to harness the power of
cell phones in education and need to convince the publisher this is a
good idea.  I'm looking for educators to share feedback in a format that
could be shared with the publisher on why a book like this would be
beneficial to a classroom, school or district like yours.  You can get a
sense of the book in the preface here

Some examples:

Edward D. Longfield, Superintendent
"I am delighted to endorse "Teaching Generation Text."  The 21st Century is dictating that
educators develop new paradigms regarding instruction.  Students are
utilizing new technologies to learn, to communicate, to develop
relationships--school systems must become agile, flexible, and "smart"
to reach the modern day learner.  Our school system is addressing the
needs of the "whole, new child".  Included in this plan is the effective
use of technology.  "Teaching Generation Text" will redefine classroom
instruction, empower teachers to develop instructional techniques that
are not limited to the traditional classroom, and will most definitely
energize and engage the 21st Century learner." 

Eric Sheninger - Principal
"A book like this is an essential resource for schools as nothing close currently exists. 
Many administrators and schools ban the use of cell phone because they
are not knowledgeable on effective integration and instructional
strategies.  This book will provide relevant information crucial to
engaging students and making them active participants in the learning
process through the use of technology that they have grown accustomed
My district in particular would greatly benefit from a book like this as we are currently at loss on how to properly utilize cell phones for teaching
and learning.  Instead of banning the use of these devices like most
other schools, my school could take the lead in our area of the country
with the proper support, strategies, and advice that I see being
included in this resource." 

Sandy Vickry, Secondary Math Teacher
"It's definitely time to end the controversy and start using cell phones for educational purposes.  A book like the one being proposed
would be a pioneering work in the field.  It is only a matter of time
before cell phones are standard in classrooms.  This book would get all
teachers ready and going." 

Views: 11


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