Over on my blog, I recently posted a series of seven free online resources for different subjects areas.  I'd love to hear comments on those to see what other resources you guys are using in your classrooms.  What I really need, though, is some help coming up with some math resources.  Here are the links to the others if you want to check them out:

Please help me out by sharing your resources, especially for math.  Thanks in advance for all your help!

Tags: math, resources

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I would be in trouble trying to stick to 7! Interesting question though- I shall ponder my top 7. In the meantime I have a few hundred! I use Diigo to organise them - see the lists on the left here.
Hi Derrick

Here's my list I use in class. I have it broken down by grade, but there are about a hundred over grades K-5.

I like your list of 7 for each topic. You have some of my favorites and many I haven't seen before. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your help! I'll wade through these in the next few days and pick out my seven favorites, and I'll let you know when the blog is posted. I'm glad some of you enjoyed my blog posts. I love sharing almost as much as I love learning!
Some fun maths sites for pupils linked on a gloggie. Check it out.
Here's a couple that haven't been mentioned so far:

With a focus on a wide range of students and learning abilities, MathVids provides access to hundreds of instructional videos that relate basic, intermediate, and advanced mathematical concepts. The site contains a number of sample videos, though visitors will need to complete a free registration form to view all of the materials on the site...
(Web site descriptor)

Graphic Organizers for High School Math

Let me know if you need still more...
This is a perfect resource for your students: www.ignitiontutoring.com

It's online tutors (via Skype) from top universities like Stanford. Their focus is on MATH but also "growth mindset" and independent learning. It's a great resource and really helps students -- check it out!
Derrick has his 7 but it seems sensible to use this thread for mathematics resources. I have been putting together sites I use for starters;


(These are all free).
I would add TeacherZone (http://teacher.tenmarks.com) for math video lessons - free. They have loads of math video lessons - 3-5 minutes long for grades 3-10.
some of the resources we use:
algebra 2: resources
.....brightstorm math
.....academic earth
.....khan academy
.....think tutorial
.....collegeincolorado plus
.....math tools via nsdl
.....free video lectures
.....free flexbooks
.....byu ind study
.....calc/pre-calc help

and now adding this
love it Corrine..



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