Over on my blog, I recently posted a series of seven free online resources for different subjects areas.  I'd love to hear comments on those to see what other resources you guys are using in your classrooms.  What I really need, though, is some help coming up with some math resources.  Here are the links to the others if you want to check them out:

Please help me out by sharing your resources, especially for math.  Thanks in advance for all your help!

Tags: math, resources

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I would like to tell you, and your readers, about some of the math resources that Susan Brooks and I have posted at Internet4Classrooms. For any of the grades Kindergarten through 8th, go to our Grade Level Help section:
Use the navigation buttons on the left side to select Current Standards and then Mathematics.
Hifgh School math resources can be found at:
Internet4Classrooms is a free site. We have been on the web for a decade. The site is teacher driven. If you need something to use in your K-12 classroom and don't find it right away write to either of us:
bylesb@internet4classrooms.com or sbrooks@internet4classsrooms.com
Bill Byles
Internet4Classrooms Co-Founder
Helping Students, Teachers and Parents Use the Internet Effectively
You can try http://tutorteddy.com/ for instant and free math help for all grades from highly educated and dedicated tutors.
Hi Mel,

I work for Glogster EDU. We offer a web-based platform that allows students and teachers to design and create projects across the curriculum spectrum using multi-media drag/drop technology. It has been very well-received, especially at the elementary school level. If you are interested in learning a bit more about Glogster EDU, please visit our website www.edu.glogster.com or reach out to me directly leo.evriviades@glogster.com





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