I feel like a bit of a dummy with this one, but I'm writing a post on my blog about a neat website, and I want to include a screenshot of the homepage in my blog posting. I know how to use 'prt sc' to take a screenshot, and then paste it into a word document, but I don't know how t save is as a picture on its own in my files. Any suggestions?

Tags: blog, howto, image

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You should be able to do a right mouse click on the embedded image and do a SAVE AS to put the image on your computer. If you can get to your clipboard then you can eliminate the pasting into a doc file or ppt file. You can also use Print Screen and an image editing program to save your picture. It is not as easy as it should be but I usually do a three step process:

1. Print Screen or Alt Print Screen
2. Paste into a Graphics Program
3. Save as a graphics file from the Graphics Program
gotcha - ta - I didn't think of trying that!
thank you thank you thankyou - doing it now!
For step 2 above, try using Paint (found under accessories) instead of Picture Manager. You can save the image as a JPEG and other types such as TIFF and PNG as well. You can select specific areas of the pasted image and copy them into new Paint images and save them each individually with different names. You can also erase unwanted parts of an image as needed. It's quite easy to use and you're bound to have it on your computer already.
I actually find Picture Manager the easiest to compress for web use. In Picture Manger: Picture menu>compress>on right hand site click box: for web use.
Best bet yet...try Jing! Go to http://jingproject.com and once you get the hang of it (not too tough, just don't over-think it) you'll be hooked.

Creator of the FREE Teacher Toolbar
Thanks, Jing seems Great - at least so far!
Open the saved print screen in Microsoft Paint; draw a rectangle around the part you want with the dotted line rectangle tool; right click cut; open a new paint screen; do not save the old one that has the cut image out if it; paste the cut out section into the new paint screen; save it as a jpeg. You can then add it to your blog entry. There may be an easier way but this is what I do on most computers. I just read your other comments and have repeated what Barry and other said. Oops!
I would also suggest downloading and using Jing. It is cross platform and Free. You can take screen shots of just part of the screen or even do video screen captures (limited to 5 minutes at a time). I use it frequently.
Hi Rebecca,
I have found the free program "Irfanview" most useful for this - paste the screen capture into Irfanview and then crop and resize (450 wide is best for my blog) and save into your own 'blog pictures' file. You can also create banners for your blog with this program, convert image files to appropraite formats and manipulate images. Good Luck and have fun!
Best Regards, Britt Gow.
Thank you all - you are wonderful! I'm jsut downloading jing now, and already used picture manager earlier today, and it was easy!
this is my screen shot.



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