I am looking for a tool which enables me to clip sections from Vimeo videos. I have seen a few such tools for cutting sections out of Youtube videos but never for Vimeo.
I am going to report to my colleagues from a conference. A lot of the lectures are posted on Vimeo but I only have time to show parts of them.
I can think of one messy way. Use any screen casting app (jing, screen jelly, are free) and get the video on your computer. Once you have it on your machine then use any video editing app that you have, iMovie works great for Mac.
I have now learnt to put the videos on my computer the geeky way :P. In the Activity Viewer I look for the large video file (MB not KB in size). I copy URL and in the terminal I write curl -o desiredfilename.mp4 "URL" I press enter and it downloads. It has worked brilliantly and I am thrilled. Now I need to get the hang of iMovie to be able to select clips from the videos for my presentation.