How do you know whether you are cut out to be a teacher or that you just like working with kids?

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Well, hello Lisa...

I think the difference lies in your ability to control a classroom. Sometimes when people 'just like working with kids' they only work well in small settings with limited required curriculum. In my opinion, being cut out to be a teacher means you enjoy working with kids as well as can work with them in a controlled setting!!


For me being cut out to be a teacher mean's you were dedicated of being what the things you played for your kids, that you made them happy.

Hi Lisa,

I think if you respect little ones and sincerely enjoy being in their company that's all you need. Classroom management, pedagogy, content, all these will fall in place... it takes time, but if you are dedicated you can learn these with reflective practices, reading and from your colleagues.


Best of luck! 

I think that's where observation comes in handy! I think if you observe not only the grade you are thinking about teaching but all different grades then you will get a better idea of if you want to teach and which grade you would like to teach. You will also find out what type of school you would like to work for, whether it be private or public, or inner-city or in the country, or all girls or coed, etc. So your best bet is to get into the classroom as much as you can while you are still in school to see if it's for you!
I am about to start teaching and time and time again when I tell people that I will be teaching students with special needs, I am asked that question.  I believe two things; some people are just born to be teachers (like my older sister) and some people come to find out that teaching is their calling.  Having experience in and outside the classroom is important, being able to understand how to handle both environments.
Dedication is the theme of the replies so far and I agree. It is the passion to make a difference that is the key. We must be willing to put the needs of the next generation at a very high priority. Building relationships with the students, not information dumping, will make the real impact. We also need each other, ready with encouragement and new ideas. We need to be lifelong learners. Some decent organizational skills are important. And a good sense of humor :)

That's a tough one Lisa and so far you've received some good advice.  I'm not so sure though that as some have suggested, teachers are made.  I do believe that we have gifts and talents that maybe non-teachers do not possess (kid-patience) for instance.  But, please remember that teaching is a passion, it is a vocation, it is a calling.  You really have to love what you are doing and enjoy getting up every day and going to work.  Even those times when you have what seems like the class from another world.  Will you know this right away?  No, probably not.  Teachers, like any profession, are formed.  Over time, with experience, good mentors and colleagues, teachers become who they are and what they mean to students.  You truly need to do a lot of self reflection as a teacher -- the effectiveness of your lesson, assessments, evaluations, etc, etc.  At the end of the day, you need to want to make a difference in your students' lives.  If you can touch just one a year, you have made that difference and you are a teacher.



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