Hi there I am a student at Johnson University, in the teacher education program. My focus is elementary (K-6) and ESL (English as a second language for k-12) I love to travel abroad and see new places. I would love to be able to teach abroad once I am done with school. I don't have a specific country that i want to teach in, but in general how hard is it to teach in other countries? Is there a lot of paperwork and hoops to jump through? or is it pretty much a smooth process? If anyone has any insight on this it is much appreciated. I know different countries have different rules, so I ask this as a very general question.

If going to teach in other counties is affected by where I get my degree here is some information on my school education program: http://johnsonu.edu/Academics/School-of-Education.aspx

Tags: ESL, Teaching, abroad

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