I am looking to see if you are interested in having some of your students do a project with my kids. I teach 9-12th grade tech classes. We are based in a rural area of Iowa and it would be fun for my kids to speak to students outside of Iowa.


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What exactly are you interested in doing?
Thanks for the reply... do your kids have the availability of video chatting? My classes can use either Skype or iChat. I try and do this at least once a year with my students. The possibilities are endless.
- Comparison of schools
- Collaborate on classes
- Establish friendships

I see you teach Biology. I also have Biology teacher in our HS who would not hesitate to try something new in his area.

Keep in touch.

Kirk Thelin
Sorry about the late reply. I assumed that I would receive an email when someone replied to one of my posts. I'm new to the idea of collaboration so I would need to learn which resources are available and how to use them. I would love to work with a biology teacher and have a few ideas of collaborative projects in biology. My email address is hwilson@friendseminary.org, perhaps you can have your colleague send me a message.
Hassan Wilson
HI Kirk,
I might be interested. I also teach tech classes. What are you looking to do?
I also teach HS technology classes in a small, private school in Oregon and would love to use Skype for a classroom exchange. I would want it centered around some type of classroom project or topic rather than just to skype another class just for friendships. Using technology to explore topics of Digital Citizenship, career exploration, teen issues, or emerging technology topics would fit well into my curriculum.

Colette Cassinelli
I am in a high school that is part of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. I will be teaching three PC Maintenance classes starting in September. Our school just got a shipment of web cams and I am anxious to do a collaborative project. My wife also teaches 8th grade in a parish school. She may be interested as well if any middle school teachers want to try something.

I may be interested as well. I am writing a proposal to teach a tech class this fall. I would love to hear ideas on projects you do with your students. Then, if my proposal goes through and I pick up a group of students to work with, I'd be happy to set up a Skype dialogue.
i'm in. i haven't used ichat - but we just got skype unblocked.
i teach math - but i get to teach one of the classes 1-1 laptop. the class is pre-ap alg 2 - mostly 10th grade.
i'm sure there are several directions we could go. mentor each other in math and tech.
i'm in colorado.



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