I recently took a job working with middle school teachers to help them integrate technology into the curriculum, but our district's resources are somewhat limited.  In both middle schools of about 700 students each, there is one lab.  Each teacher has a laptop and projector, so the district is really pushing the 'one computer classroom' platform.  I'm looking for some resources or project ideas that middle school math teachers can use to integrate technology into their math curriculum. 

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My blog Mathematics, Learning and Web 2.0 lists many excellent (all free!) resources available on the web. Particular favourites I use every day have to be the Desmos graphing calculator and WolframAlpha.

You'll see various pages available on the blog at the top of the screen.

A colleague and I have had great success with our younger students in the last couple of weeks teaching Statistics using the excellent Census at School Resources. Creating their own data to work made the work more meaningful.

Hi Colleen.

I did not get the chance to read all of it but it is very interesting. Can I ask u which class are u teaching?

Hi Muneeza, I teach in a UK secondary school so the resources on my blog are mostly aimed at age 11 to 18. I do try and keep an eye out for resources for younger students as well . My blog for students covers quite a wide age range, the notes sites for example include resources for students age 11 to 18+.

Hi Colleen, Thank you for replying. Thank u for sharing the resources with me. They are very helpful. I also try to help the teachers in my school so they can integrate technology with different subjects.

I was just wondering being a teacher who wants to integrate technology in different subjects. I faced some  problems.For example I would prefer that students would work on separate computers because of the shortage of resources it is not possible. Do you face same type of problems and how do you overcome those problems?

Hi Colleen

I am Suad and would like to suggest khanacademy site for your learners. it is a very good and varient site for use. Uploading games and task for your learners is very easy with learning styles catering




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