Ideas for professional development courses for online instructors

Hello! I will be working on a new professional development program that will offer CE courses for online instructors. I would love to get some input from other online instructors about what they think is important in the training of new online teachers and topics that would be of interest to more experienced online teachers. Does anyone have some ideas?

Tags: Development, Education, Online, Professional

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Managing the often overwhelming amount of personal learning environments would be a wonderful skill to work on. Understanding how it all fits into our newly "Flattened" world is key for those of us in the thrid oldest profession! Integration is as powerful and necessay across curriculums as is reading.
Hi Pat,
Boy, I sure agree with you! It does take some new skills to teach online. Many of the instructors we will be working with have taught in the classroom but are new to online instruction.
Hi Mandy,
Thank you for referring me to Nlowell's post and the conversation that you had there. He did have some good ideas. It sounded like his courses would be for teachers who are learning how to integrate technology into their instruction. The program we will be developing is specifically for online instructors.
Hi Kathy:

I have taught a course on the Manhattan Virtual Classroom and since the course the population at our school has gone from 5 original adopters to 25 users with over 100 courses.

I also have professional development course outlines:
Blogs, Wikis and Bears - Technology Tools in the Classroom
How to Right Click!

Hope this helps;
Feel free to message me for help, ideas, or clarifications.
cout "Geoff\n";
Hi Geoff,
Thank you for referring me to your site. You have some great information and resources there. I may contact you in the future for other ideas or questions!
One area that is often overlooked in training for teachers of live, online classrooms such as Elluminate is how to move beyond the PowerPoint mindset and use the native whiteboard tools to make interactive activities for the kids. It takes only a small investment of time to learn to use some image editing software to make manipulatives that can be moved by the teacher during instruction and by the students when in whiteboard activities. The pay-off is huge as far as student engagement. Who wouldn't rather interact with a visually interesting grab-it and do something with it screen activity instead of sit back and listen to an instructor drone on while reading a bulleted list of words the teacher is saying?
Hi Tammy,
Yes, I agree! To be effective, online instruction needs to be varied and needs to incorporate interactive activities. Do you have any resources that you could share on using the whiteboard tools for online instruction? Thank you for your response.
I have Elluminate specific slides that are part of the teacher training I do for our Elluminate classroom. If you want to see them in action, drop in during my open office hours from 4:30pm to 6pm Central, T, W, Th at

I can tour you through the set and you can download a copy to your hard drive.
Awesome! Thank you!
I have taught for a number of years online. Are you interested in developing a course for a live online class or a Blackboard type platform?



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