Your Name and Title: Jason Graham- If You Blog it, They Will Come.
School, Library, or Organization Name: Bandung International School, Indonesia
Co-Presenter Name(s): -
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Asia
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Teachers who are new to blogging or want to know more about how blogs can support their professional development.
Short Session Description (one line): Using blogs as a professional development tool to reflect on one’s own teaching practice and to connect with other educators.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like): Blogging is an excellent way to reflect on your own teaching practice as a professional development tool. Blogs can be as private or as public as you wish. Blogging is a platform that allows you record your ideas, goals, challenges and aspirations. Some educators share these blogs as an open forum and value feedback from other educators. They use blogs as a means to connect and collaborate. They use blogs as a tool to learn with others. Other teachers prefer to use their blog solely for their own reflection. Either way, blogging provides an excellent outlet to become a better teacher through reflection. It’s online and is part of your digital footprint. Over time, through blogging you can see how you have developed as a learner, as a teacher and as a thinker. It’s not about finding the time to blog, it’s about making it a priority.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Session blog:
Learning blog:
Tags: teacher 2.0
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