Integrating Technology into the Classroom - Professional Development Day!

It is Professional Development Share Out Day!  Each teacher at your school is asked to create a 15 minute lesson about your favorite, effective, technology driven classroom activity and share your activity with teachers at your school.  Provide a brief description, material list, links, hardware/software/app and a brief plan for the lesson.  After adding your lesson, visit two other lessons and leave a comment.  PD Lesson is due by Saturday and replies are due by Tuesday.  Have fun with this - Be creative - Share the gist!  We look forward to your Share Out!

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Karesa -  I find so many great resources on it....for decorating, cooking, and fashion!  I haven't really used it as a tool for education, but your lesson plan shines a new light on the whole website.  What a good idea to present - especially for how many of us are using Pinterest!


I love that you chose to talk about Pinterest. I think it has so many clever resources for teachers. Just recently, I learned how to pin instead of just looking at everything and liking it all. It is much better now being able to categorize everything that I like or pin.

The professional development that I have prepared and shared is actually a PD session that I just administered for about 15 physical education teachers in my district about two weeks ago. I created my slideshow for the presentation using Prezi. For this assignment, I used Jing to take a screencast of each slide in my Prezi presentation, which I then included in the following attached document. The PD introduced fellow PE teachers to iPads, how to use iPads in the gym, a multitude of apps, and ways other PE teachers have incorporated iPads into their lessons and curriculum. The Prezi presentation is a great tool to use to present information because the teachers were able to follow along the slideshow in real time as I presented it. They were also then able to either download the presentation later or use the link to access it at another time.


My lesson is about how to use twitter in your classroom.  First, I would make sure that everyone had access to either a laptop, iPad, or smartphone.  The iPads will already have the twitter app downloaded.  Also, I would need access to a Smart Board, or at least a projector, to walk the staff through how to use twitter.  I would show how to assign articles to read and discuss about any topic and how to use hash-tags to be able to search for what students are discussing.  The following links will be shared with my staff for their own knowledge.



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