I am interested in learning more about your success stories of integration of technology.  I have found technology to work very well with elementary students, since it motivates and helps to differentiate instruction based on student learning needs. 

What stories can you share about technology?

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I have used Voki for brief book reports.  It is great because it will only record for 90 seconds so they need to eliminate the extraneous.  I've used Glogster for Social Studies.  Much more fun that regular posters.  Also Blabberize.  We had class wikispaces for homework assignments and classroom news, photos, etc.  We did video conferences from Peru to the United States even in pre-k.  Our school went from pre-k to grade 4.  Little kids take to this like ducks to water. 

Hello David. I'm a looping teacher who had 28 students in 3rd, and now in 4th grade. I teach on Kodiak Island in Alaska which, as you can imagine, has it's limitations when it comes to exposing students to many things. Our district has embraced technology. We use mobil labs to spread out MacBooks and iPads. Some of my personal favorite sites are ixl, spelling city, wordle, and wallwisher. Our school also purchased FlipCameras which teachers can checkout from the office and use for projects. I posted an inventory of the iPad apps that were on our iPads at the beginning of the last school year. I hope that helps. - John



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