UK Educators are getting quite excited over their latest Whiteboard technology which allows them to share materials and resources right across the board. Even those who do not have access to Whiteboards will be able to get in on the action though, by using a Common File Format (CFF). The CFF will allow teachers to open the documents in any word processor and also gives them the option to edit and change the material in any way.

Apparently, this technology will not be seen in North American anytime soon because of complications with whiteboard vendors. Is this something you would like to utilize in your own classroom?

Check out the full article here.

Tags: BECTA, UK, education, smartboard, whiteboard

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Hey Kiwi,

Here's a link to a source that I found on the BBC web.

Common File Format is a fairly general term that applies to a technology that is mutually adopted throughtout an industry.
This involves many software and hardware manufactures and suppliers.

Check out:
This is a short article on a broadcast CFF agreement, there are over 21 companies involved.

It will take a while before CFF agreements are reached, it may have been a little easier in England. The governement is the single payer for all education expenses. They call the shots, it is their dime.

While here in the "States" we are a bit more barbarian, according to my Canadian friends. 50 State DOEs, thousands of School Districts, parent organizations and over 120,000 schools.
We may be barbarians, but I like it that way.



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