We are excitedly preparing to launch intranet based student e-mail accounts in which students can contact only those accounts within the network.

We are discussing the pros and cons, and I am looking for help on the cons to head them off at the pass.

Obviously harassment, inappropriate language etc. will be issues, but what are the non-obvious problems we might face in student use? Any suggestions?

Tags: email, intranet, student, use

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Students will not be able to recieve authentication codes when the register for Web tools.
Intranet-based email is nice and safe, but cuts off 99.9999% of your students' access to resources. I don't think the safety concerns outweigh the advantages of having a fully functional email for school-related business. Just think of all the educational, but not internal, emails you sent using your university email account.

I set-up a Google Apps based email for my school's students and staff--everyone now has a ...@queensinquiry.com email address that gives them all of the space, search features, categories, etc of Gmail without any spam (since the @queensinquiry.com address is unique). Most importantly, they can handle all of their school related email, both internal and external (we collaborate a lot with the local university and other middle/high schools) on one account.

Thanks for the input, but you are preaching to the choir :-) I'm just happy they are allowing us to consider this step. COPA restrictions have us pretty tied up at the middle school level anyway. Most TOU agreements require users to be 13 and above. Don't get me started on that. Someday communities will allow schools to step into the 21st century. Of course that may well be in the 23rd century.

In the mean time, I need help wrapping my head around potential problems with the system so I may address and be prepared to answer questions if they arise.

I think it's a safety precaution that needs to be taken. It does however create limits to usability, but overall I think this is worth it.
On a side note, the news said the other day there is talk of re-doing the internet to bring security to it that we weren't aware we needed with the original version. If this comes about we may not need to take these precautions with our kids. :)
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Hello Eric,

I work with a small private school that does not have internet access. But, they are wanting to be able to send emails between the teachers and staff. What program are you using for your intranet email? Would it work for what we are trying to accomplish?

I'm not sure Donny. Our IT guy does that stuff...I'm just a power user. I believe it is Novell Groupwise though.

Ok, I'll check out Groupwise. Thanks Eric, I really appreciate it!! If anyone knows of any other programs that would meet our needs, please let me know. Thanks!!
Our district uses Google Apps for Education. Our Students have e-mail account that we filter and the staff is kept separate on a different system but can communicate with the students. We are in the early stages of it and the staff is really excited with the results.
Instant messaging. It will probably be a feature. Students who are home sick like to IM those at school. This lesson usually needs to be taught once they discover this option: appropriate use of the chat space.

Students should be aware that a permanent record is created of their messages. Not a space for private conversations.

Good luck with this. We started with First Class email and many blocked sites and have now evolved to unblocked YouTube, Skype, collaborative documents with Google and are beginning to broadcast with Ustream.



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