Web 2.0 ERC http://www.web20erc.eu/ is a new European Union funded education project to help educators who find ICT confusing and difficult to access. You can also join our 'Community of Practice' on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Web-20-ERC/317534459957

The project will provide educators with a simple and secure ICT environment to use in their work and in their classes.

The project will build a simple web site and a set of the most popular tools (Wikis, Blogs, communications, Social Networking etc.) with clear guides on:
• How to use the tools
• How they can be employed in education

The project will also look at other Web 2.0 tools that can be used to create content, share the content and communicate.

Helping the project
The project team are now looking for the help of other educators in finding Web 2.0 tools and resources that are of use in education. We will need to know some details about the tool and a brief description of how you are using it in your work.

We have provided a template that you can use on the project website at:

We would also be grateful for any further contributions you may have – like a web posting, blog, video etc.

All contributors will receive a 'Certificate of Contribution' to our project to help your professional development.

You can also sign up for updates on the project progress.

Thank you for your help and interest.

Best wishes

Prof. Thomas Connolly
Coordinator Web 2.0 ERC EU project
University of the West of Scotland

Disclaimer: The Web 2.0 ERC project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Tags: 2.0, Blog, EU, European, Lifelong, Pedagogy, Technology, Tools, Union, Web, More…and, education, learning, programmes, teach, teacher, teaching, video, wiki

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