Now that Apple unveiled their new "toy", I was wondering what impact this might potentially have in the classroom.

I really think that there are endless possibilities when it comes for K-12 education.

Mobile Labs for El Ed can be replaced w/ easier to use iPad touch devices.  1 to 1 programs that are very expensive could become more affordable w/ the new iPad.  Finally, imagine if it could create a truly "paperless" environment where the text book is obsolete and everything is purchased through their new "app", Books.

I know all of this is bit presumptuous but w/ a new version of iWorks built specifically for the iPad and the ability to sync w/ either a Mac or PC, this provides an excellent solution for an "Office" suite.

It just seems like there are so many great things that can still be done in brand new innovative ways, such as: blogging, podcasts, browsing, etc etc.

I'm curious to what others have to think about this matter as well.


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I think iPad and iPad-like technologies will be a game changer. See my blog (scroll to bottom of page) for the full comment....

1. All their texbooks will (eventually) be digital.

2. Sudents will be able to download Podcasts and Vodcasts we create in the class.

3. students will be able to easily IM or phone their teacher via their iPad during office hours for questions or mini tutorials using free apps like Skype.

4. With a simple app that we all download, students will be able to interact with the digital whiteboard on the screen at the front of the class in a way only recently possible with things like the “Clicker“.

5. Students can log their lab observations or clinical competencies digitally and send them to the teacher.

6. Very soon…paper based assignments, tests and photocopying will become as archaic as the rotary phone. Why waste paper?
I could see this piece of technology being used in the very distant future. It is only relatively recently that laptops are becoming availible to all students in certain wealthy schools. Ideally though, the ipad sounds like a great addition to the classroom.
Dear David,

The introduction of the iPad will change the entire concept of computerized classrooms. There are numerous PC based tablets available from manufacturers in China. It will no be long before PC based tablet PCs will be integrated into classrooms by "interactive whiteboard" and major computer dealers. They will make "wireless slates" obsolete. The total computer will be in the palm of your hand. The PC versions have a wholesale cost of $250.00 to $350.00 per unit.
This base cost will be reduced, once distribution partners are established in the USA.

The textbook industry will have to evolve. They will either provide digital content to schools or they will see their business dwindle away.
These pc tablets, with touch screen interfaces already exist as netbook models.

The major changes that will be available are software and programming based.
Some companies are establishing full educational internet services, providing a closed network for students, teachers, and administrators.

Technology will evolve, there will be winners and losers in the industry, but classrooms will benefit with new dedicated, cost effective, technology and software applications.

David, you have great insight. Lets see what happens.

I attended MacWorld and I was not impressed with the IPAD. It is too expensive and lacks some of the basic features of a netbook or tablet PC. Schools are already strapped for money and this would not be a good use of funds. Maybe in the future when Apple has added more features it might be feasible, but for now, I will stick to paper and pencil and the technology I have available for my students. Textbooks don't require special equipment or to be powered up to read.
Thanks to everyone who has shared their responses. I agree it is a wait and see. There are a lot of positive/negative things to consider when dealing w/ the iPad or even netbooks. It will be interesting to see how future updates of the iPad will effect the educational market place.

Here is a great read regarding mobile devices in education and what some of the benefits and pitfalls are that involve them...
I don't think iPads should replace books in the classroom, but I do think they could be a great way to incorporate technology and help the students learn. Maybe this device wouldn't be such a good idea with the younger children, at least not one for each student, but for older students, it could give them a much better constructivist way of learning.
I think iPads and other tablet-like gadgets could become of great use in a classroom. Of course, there is the whole paperless thing which turns classrooms into eco-friendly havens, but the actual uses of the tablet, as mentioned by others, can help in engaging children and teens in document and text book sharing.

However the issue then becomes about privacy and administrative controls on the tablets. The use of technology in the classroom is almost a must nowadays but there also has to be a sense of control against online privacy issues. I think it would be worth looking into to see if the iPad and other tablets offer privacy settings for classroom use to ensure the students are reading the task at hand and not venturing into the world wide web during study hall.
We continue to explore this very issue on our blog I am currently reviewing different apps that I think would be useful, along with some classroom management tips! Come and pay a visit! - More iPads now:)
The more I think about the potential for the iPad, the more excited I get. I wish I knew how to write programs for the iPad (which is supposedly almost identical to writing apps for the iPhone). I may have to convince myself to learn how to do it. The only problem is anything I could make would not be as good as what professional programmers could make. If any programmers want ideas for apps to write for the iPad, I am chock-full of ideas. I’d be willing to discuss those ideas with you in more detail if you’d like.
Apologies in advance for what has turned out to be a long post - the downfall of writing during breaks between classes....

I'm testing an iPad now. I think it has great potential, but I'm wary of it's day-to-day applications. I do think the iPad has the potential to be the next "killer app" in education, however so far it has fallen short a bit in my testing.

Right now I think it will be great for the teachers in my building. A lot of what we do with testing, reading levels, grades, etc is done online. If I can get an iPad into the hands of the teachers I can streamline their assessment process and, I think, free up a lot of their time by putting the paperwork part of their day on the iPad, something they can cary with them easily around the class and building.

As for using them with students.....
A few things I think would need to be done to make it more efficient/effective:
1) bulk purchasing ability - getting 1 app and being able to deploy it on multiple iPads quickly

2) imaging - I build a perfect image of all my classroom Macs. All apps, etc on it. If a computer has a problem, or we get a new system in, I re-install with my custom image and the machine is identical to the rest in the building. If I were to deploy iPads I would like a way to quickly clone the devices

3) peripheral expenses - if I were to purchase iPads for a class I would beed a storage device like a laptop security cart, plus I would want a case/sleeve to mitigate bumps, drops, etc. After a while those peripheral expenses (on top of the apps) can become more expensive than a netbook.

4) the typing. I'm a huge Mac guy and people are always amazed that I have a Blackberry and not an iPhone. It's because I hate the typing functionality of the iPhone/iPad. I don't believe anyone can become as efficient and effective typing on an iPad as they can on a keyboard. And if I want my students to write I want them to do it efficient and effectively. To me the touch keyboard falls short.
(yes, you can get attachable keyboards, but that falls in to my pervious complaint - #3)

5) it has the "toy" vibe. Students know a laptop has multiple functions. When my students see my iPad they only want to know how many movies and music, etc, I have on it. I realize changing this perceptive is part of the educational experience, but if I can deploy laptops at the same price and not deal with the learning curve of "it's not a toy, it's for work" my students can get more accomplished. If the iPad usage becomes more productive in general that perception will change and I think it will be easier to integrate.

I'm a huge tech geek. But I'm also old school. I make my students take note on paper, I like reading the newspaper in paper form. I think to much technology is a bad thing and rushing to adapt all the latest and greatest has the real potential for expensive failure. A little more time, testing, app development, etc could make the iPad an amazing tool. I just don't think it's there yet, not ready for full student use.

I'm testing apps and possible curriculum connections now. I'll follow up on what I find to be most effective.
I could see how the iPad would be beneficial to the class. Putting economic problems aside, it would be a great substitute for textbooks (it's definitely lighter), it provides more interactive exercises, especially in math and science courses, given the correct app, and it promotes collaborative learning. Of course, the iPad is way overpriced and I doubt schools would be willing to pay for these, but it's definitely a step in the right direction in regards to technology in the classroom.



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