Now that Apple unveiled their new "toy", I was wondering what impact this might potentially have in the classroom.

I really think that there are endless possibilities when it comes for K-12 education.

Mobile Labs for El Ed can be replaced w/ easier to use iPad touch devices.  1 to 1 programs that are very expensive could become more affordable w/ the new iPad.  Finally, imagine if it could create a truly "paperless" environment where the text book is obsolete and everything is purchased through their new "app", Books.

I know all of this is bit presumptuous but w/ a new version of iWorks built specifically for the iPad and the ability to sync w/ either a Mac or PC, this provides an excellent solution for an "Office" suite.

It just seems like there are so many great things that can still be done in brand new innovative ways, such as: blogging, podcasts, browsing, etc etc.

I'm curious to what others have to think about this matter as well.


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Great ideas shared on apps and how to use ipads in education at
Thanks for sharing Obe, this is a fabulous resource.
How about an iPad cloning question...

I posted this over at ipadeductors.ning too, but I figure'd it couldn't hurt to post here too:

The one problem I have with the iPad, and the one issue I don't seem to see anyone bringing up (maybe it isn't an issue, or I've missed the question in another thread?) is the idea of cloning.

What I mean is if I get a class set of 30, how do I easily make them identical in terms of apps, connections settings, etc?

When I get new MacBooks in I wipe the drive and install a new custom image that drops on all of my school's internet settings (proxies, etc) as well as all the software we use (saves me the time of sitting there and dropping software in piece by piece). Or I use Apple Remote Desktop to quickly install and update multiple systems at once.

I suppose my questions break down like this:
Can I sync 30 iPads to 1 Mac's iTunes?
If not, can I download 1 app multiple times to different systems for installation under 1 account name?
Speaking of apps, how are schools handling iTunes App store, school account, teacher personal account?
Is there a solution like Apple Remote Desktop to easily update the iPads?


The answer to the mass syncing question is yes. There is a device. These links are examples:


For more general info about charging and syncing multiple iPads check out

I'm experiencing the same difficulty rolling on 200 ipads. I've made the master and short of restoring each one from a backup, I don't know how to keep the nicely organized folders.  Have you had any luck?


To answer your other questions, you can sync 30 to one iTunes - even 200!


We may be looking into using Apple's VPP (Volume Purchasing Program) for paid apps to get out to teachers and students. However, we're trying to figure out legal rights to use one iTunes account on MacBook to sync iPads (or iTouches) for FREE apps? I called Apple today and the gentleman wasn't clear about whether you could sync free apps to multiple iPads/iTouches.
He sent me wording from the TOS, but still not clear what to tell teachers.

I think the ipads are a great idea for high schoolers to be using, Im not so sure about elem school children using them because they may not understand how fragile they may be. I completely agree it would be nice to imagine a paperless environment that helps with less pollution. Textbooks can be easily purchased and downloaded for cheap. Yes there are many things the students can do with the ipads just with a few touches on the ipad. Students can easily posts to blogs that teachers have created and turn in assignments that way with responding to questions, tests, quizzes, and papers that are all done with the ipad that the teacher can then quickly look at on their pc. This saves paper and will get the students more engaged in learning!

I feel that iPads would be effective at any learning level.  I was on a plane last week and sat next to a woman in her late 60s.  She had an iPad and really knew her way around it.  I took my parents who are in their 80s to a local retailer selling iPads. They were hesitant at first, but within minutes, become transfixed on the device and the content that could be read and found. Conversely, I have two different teacher colleagues with young children, ages 3 and 4.  These preschoolers use their parent's iPad to listen to stories and operate it with no assistance. 

I used to teach elementary school--for 17 years-most recently as a technology integration specialist. I worked with young students (kindergarteners are five years old) and they understand about the value and fragile nature of electronic devices.  In fact, I feel that they are much more cautious when using gear than students four or five years older. 

So, from the woman on the plane and my parents to the young preschoolers, I feel that most any age user can use mobile devices. Use of particular mobile devices may be more a learning preference issue, rather than an age issue.


can everything on an iPad screen be printed? What are some recommendations for printers that would work in a library?
I just received an iPad, and I feel like a kid in a candy store! There are endless possibilities in utilizing this new technology in the classroom. The students have become more motivated, as they are more informed on its uses than I am. They are teaching me how to locate apps that are not only beautiful and hands-on, but they make the classroom come alive! I hope our school system invests in classroom sets and do away with books and all that paper!

We have a conversation similar to this going on at:


If anyone has any great ideas for tablet uses - iPad or Android - feel free to join that conversation as well.

Technology is improving education. While I agree that the IPad is expensive now and it isn't necessary to buy one for every student. There should be ways to utilize this new technology in ways that could reduce some costs and expose students to the new technology.  This is how schools have approached this with computers and have set up labs. When today's students enter the workforce they should have the necessary skills to survive with the new digital realities.



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