Ipods and other Portable Devices in the Classroom: Just a trend?

Like everyone on here I am passionate about integrating technology to further engage and enhance student learning. I have recently acquired an Ipod Touch (my own personal device) and have been trying to find out more about its educational applications. For myself I can see it as a great way to make observations about student learning and make notes about how I can improve my lessons. I appreciate convenience of having this device available to me when I need to reference a piece of information.

I would like to put forward the question whether portable devices like the Ipod Touch, will ever take off in our classrooms? I know there are pilot programs out there but I'd be interested in hearing arguments for and against these types of devices.

Is this another trend/fad in education where we are all caught up in our own interests in technology?

I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts!

BTW I have a short Google Forms survey if anyone is interested in sharing their thoughts there as well. This is the link


Tags: Ipod, Touch, education, feedback, trends

Views: 144

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Learning in Hand by Tony Vincent has a really nice section on iPod Touches in the classroom.

Technology evolves and disappears. I think we should be teaching students to expect and move with change.
I have been podcasting and using this tech for the past 2 years...I think it will be around in some form for the duration...Here is a taste of some of my work...I have incorporated the podcasts and use of handhelds into online learning as well. Well worth the effort to get involved, in my view!


Lots of uses!



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