I am the Principal at a Middle School in New York. We just implemented Ipod touches in our school. We have 100 Ipod touches. 30 each on two Ipod touch carts and various mini sets. Our teachers sign out the carts using the school wide Google calendar. Other smaller sets are being used by teachers as a center activity or a supplement. We have used them primarily for the applications and web browsing, but I am encouraging teachers to use them screen casts from their smart boards and other classroom presentations. We have also started using them as a means to view flip camera presentations. Our music teachers have found some excellent aps to enhance their curriculum. Needless to say the students love them and they increased motivation 10 fold. The challenge now becomes how do we use them to enhance strong lessons and topics rather than a substitute. We are in the beginning stages of this implementation but things seem to be moving in a positive direction. We now have a list of over 150 practical applications with brief descriptions. We are excited and always looking for ideas and how to utilize this resource to the fullest. Does anyone have any good ideas?

Tags: classroom, in, ipod, ipods, technology, the, touches

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At this time I don't have anything that I can add, except our district just acquired 550 iPod touch and carts and we're in the similar situation regarding the utilization of the devices. One thing we're thinking are apps related to practicing basic math facts to provide students with opportunities to just "drill and practice". Another area related to spelling. One app, Miss Spell, looks like a good candidate for middle school students (it's hard, but gives students excellent feedback regarding correct spelling). What I would like to learn are what apps others have used and had good success.
I'll upload the list I have created maybe it will be helpful for you. I'll do it Tuesday when I get back to work.
I would love to see the lists of apps you are generating. Our school is mulling over this iPod touch route.
Sounds interesting. Can students use their personal iPod touch to access the modules? Just a means to increase the numbers being used. Is the list of apps available for us to veiw? I am new to the touch and it's potential as a teaching aid.
The students haven't used their own Ipods yet but we are encouraging them to bring us aps that would be useful in an educational setting.
I recently wrote a grant to acquire a set of ipod touches in the classroom.I hope I get it! I have found many uses by using my iphone and collaborating with my students on their personal ipod touches. I had them find useful and effective tools that they could use. The first and most important was Google Docs, you can create interactive individualized assessments using app gFlash and gWhiz. An amazing thing about the ipod touch is that they have the power to find answers instantly. Students also loved viewing vodcast and listening to podcast. It was very delightful to hear the students say they loved reading articles and books from their ipod touches. Google Earth provides endless geography, science and social studies implementation. BLOGS, WIKIS, SKYPE provide the opportunity for the students to chat and collaborate with students from anywhere that has internet connection,all over the world.Explore 3D model of the brain and muscular system.Challenge yourself at Fractions and Division. Your imagination is the limit, the students will be the greatest factor in finding uses of the ipoud touches.
Attached is the educational application list I created the past few months. Each ap has a brief description. I hope you find this helpful.
The iPod touch is a mobile device, so it seems logical that they could really enhance learning if students and teachers were encouraged to go mobile - gather data and submit it, for example.
Additionally, if stations are utilized, students can move from station to station and address different topics For example, at station 1, there might be a browsing and gathering activity with some sort of higher order thinking questions to process. Next, at station 2 students might be responsible for mapping content via Google Maps, and then, at station 3, students could download/listen to a podcast and go through a series of comprehension and higher order thinking questions. Finally, students could "go mobile" within the building (or within the bounds of wireless signal) to complete another activity requiring them to "report in" via teh touch (would work a particularly well if the school had Google Apps access).
Just a few thoughts. Good luck
Here is a list of apps used in a high school World Language (French) class. We are piloting an iPod Touch cart of 30 this year. The French teacher is doing amazing things.
Dear Kris,
I would love to help you out with this project. I can also put you in touch with people who have set up student based projects here in Australia.
My email is meganaiemma@me.com

Have a look at the wiki I created for a project in South Australia.

tscmobilelearning.wikispaces.com for some ideas on how to incorporate it into the classroom via simulation activities.
You might find interesting ideas in this Teacher Action Research on iPods in the classroom here.
Also check out new games-based educational apps soon to be released by App-titude Learning
Our district just purchased 4 Ipod Touches. I am so happy to stumble across this discussion rich with resources.



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