Have you seen the new dual-touch SMART Board? Two students, writing and touching one board, simultaneously! http://bit.ly/cVVqNo 

Tags: Board, SMART, dual-touch, new, smarboard

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No but I know my kindergarten class would work well with this . I usually have two at a time on it at center time working on phonics activities I make. They take turns pretty well but forget at times only one can touch.
It really is amazing technology. Here are some lesson activity ideas for dual-user mode: http://education.smarttech.com/ste/en-US/Ed+Resource/SMART+Board+Du...
Thanks I went to the site. Saw some thigs I can use even with the one touch I have.
You're welcome, Patty! Glad it was helpful. You should share your lessons with other educators in the Facebook community: http://www.facebook.com/SmartEdServices



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