Your Name and Title: Roxanne Clement


School, Library, or Organization Name: Bay Farm School Library/Media Center


Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Alameda, California


Language in Which You Will Present: English


Target Audience(s): Teacher Librarians, Classroom Teachers, Administrators


Short Session Description (one line):

How a School Library creates a Virtual learning Commons where students learn beyond the school day on their way to becoming life-long learners.


Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Creating a virtual learning commons takes students, teachers, and a teacher Librarian. See how a library website in transformation is becoming a 24/7 virtual and interactive learning space where we build collaborative intelligence together. You'll see activities and projects, surveys and polls, classroom, grade level, and schoolwide learning spaces, using embedded Web 2.0 tools that assist in establishing an online learning space sponsored by our school library. But these ideas and projects are not just for libraries! Ideas you can use in your classroom, at grade level, and schoolwide.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

Links and resources discussed in the presentation

Bay Farm Library/Media Center

Dr. Seuss Day Celebration

To the BookFair and Beyond

EarthWeek 2011

others within the Library Media Center site including Endangered Animals KBC, using Voicethread, creating Learning Links, 3 Minute Math, Student created PSAs: Can't Wait to Read it, Reading incentive programs, Book Blogs, Wallwisher and Discovery Streaming, WebConferencing with BlackBoard Collaborate, more.

Tags: 2012SLS, 24/7learning, K-8, online learning, school libraries, technology, web20tools, websites

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So glad to see this proposal!  Love the learning commons vision.

Thanks Steve,

As you know, a VLC is always a work in progress, so I'm transitioning from a traditional website to one that is interactive and provides a constantly changing learning environment for my students, teachers, and families!

I'm so excited about the new partnership with Discovery to expand the Spring Virtual Conference into an international event with BlackBoard Collaborate, my favorite webconferencing tool!

Tthanks for having me....excited to be here! Roxanne



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