I have created a Facebook group to help a fellow Classroom 2.0 teacher in Nepal. His name is Govinda Panthy and he would like to have a library for his students. I have never attempted anything like this before. Suggestions?

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Good job doing this. Thank you for helping.
How much does it cost to send books? Can we just browse our own shelves and the shelves of Goodwill, St Vincent's, etc and send boxes of books? What kind of books? texts or kid-lit?
Sending the books is extremely cost prohibitive. It can certainly be done, and Govinda has expressed an interest in some English language 'Cat in the Hat' type books, but the money we spend in shipping would be better spent if we could somehow get it directly to Govinda and he could buy his own titles, materials, etc. Right now there is no physical building for a library, so there are those costs as well. I am inviting Govinda to this discussion so that he can let us know his needs.
Thank you very much for your interest to support me for my job. I wish book sending was easy but it's really a difficult procedure. We have lots of problems on receiving books in the customs. I tried once before but had to pay big amount of taxes even if they've paid already while sending. It gave me a big trouble. Only your shipping charge is more than the cost of the materials as i know. If you calculate the shipping charge, we can buy more materials than that you want to send. Our customs seem very tedious.
I hope you'll understand me.
I look hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours
govinda (SAV School)
Look at a nonprofit called "Bookends" (http://www.bookends.org/) and at a group called "Free the Children," (www.freethechildren.org) with Craig Kielberger. Both have experience setting up libraries and/or helping in other countries. Bookends is about collecting books and helping set up the library, Free the Children is about pairing schools in different countries to help with all kinds of projects---even including building the school! It's so great to see what kids are doing to help other kids around the world! Gives added faith in our future!
It's my pleasure to receive the comments and ideas on building library at SAV School in Nepal. We really need books and other library stuff for our children. there are children from 3 to 13 years of age in our school. We need books suitable for them. Receiving materials from abroad is really difficult here. Even if we have chances of receiving books and other library materials from foreign countries, we have problems in customs. They charge more than 100% of the valuation of the stuff which is really beyond our reach. Therefore, I request and inform my friends to help directly what they can. The materials are necessary for library are available in the town in cheaper prices. The only shipping charge is enough to buy more than the materials you want to send. If anyone want further information plz feel free to email savschool2000@yahoo.com or gopisu@gmail.com
Dear Friends, here's the initial step of library building proposal at SAV School in Nepal. If we can start slowly building library, in a few years, I'm sure, we'll have good library with its own library building. I hope you'll feel free to ask me anything concerning my proposal.
SAV (School)

Estd. 1998

Name of the Project: SAV School Library
Address: SAV School, Bageshwori-7, Bhaktapur Nepal.
Introducation of SAV School:
Shantideep Adarsh Vidhyasadan was English Medium School established in 1998 with 13 students in a backwarded countryside of Bhaktapur district of Nepal. The name of the village is Bageshwori (altitude approx. 1750 metres). It lies in the eastern part of Bhaktapur district(central Nepal). It was established when the parents were not so aware of their children's education. We (school Management) had to struggle a lot to achieve the sympathy of the parents / villagers. They weren't convinced in the very beginning and didn't send their children to this school thinking that we can't run the school continuously for the long run. As a founder, I tried my best to build up and uplift the situation of the school. There were only 13 students in the first year. By the end of that year, we were able to impress them showing the out put of our teaching techniques and methodologies. As a result the number of students reached 78 in the beginning of the second year. The number of students has been increasing gradually. But we can't enroll all the new comers due to the infrastructural and financial problems.
Need of a school library:
Library and school have relationship like the relationship of finger and nail. They are just like two sides of a coin. Without library school remains incomplete. Students of every age group need library. Library has its importance from preschool to university.
Schools in Nepal have rarely libraries. Though some high schools have libraries, the students can't use them freely. Books and other materials are locked in the cupboards and only the the limited books can be borrowed bythe students only if s/he is the member and student of the school. There are not any public libraries in our community. So none of the students of this village have idea of a library. Students here have no habit of reading books besides their textbooks. They don't have opportunity of reading extra books like magazines, newspapers, reference books, journals and so on. They don't have access of those mental feedings. So mostly students here have habit of rote-learning. They dn't have much research methods in their study. I think there should be school library with many books and magazines and other materials so that students and teachers can freely broaden their level of knowledge. They can get knowledge of various genres and subjects. They will have reading habit. If you ask student of age 15 : how many books have u ever read? I'm sure s/he will say : "none", i can bet. Besides text books s/he can have opportunity to read books as there are none. Parents never buy such extra books for them as they themselves didn't understand what reading brings us in our life. Because of such problems we hardly have reading habits. I think reading habit should be formed in the childhood. Therefore school library is a must. We should encourage every student read books besides their textbooks. For that reason also I want to set up at least a physical library at our school. (Electronic library is our dream.) Isn't it essential to have library at school?!
When we have library at school, teachers, students and evern parents are benefited. We'll have books of varous subjects and genres. We can have some indoor game materials and other play things for small children. If we can set up a school library students/ teachers and even community people can be benefitted.
 Students will know what school library is and how it is run.
 Students and teachers can use the library so that their reading habit is developed.
 Certainly their level of knowledge will be increased.
 Library facilitates the teachers to conduct their classes run effective.
 knowledge of various subjects and genres are available to their interest.
 Students and teachers can borrow books and read at home in their spare time. Parents find it amazing when they see someone reading extra books besides his/her textbooks.
 Small children enjoy and learn through indoor games.
 Students can learn a lot from the charts, globe, pictures, maps, etc. hung on the walls of the library.


S.No. Particular Qnty. Rate (in US$) Amount (in uS$)
1 Table (wooden) 4 40 160
2 Chairs 16 15 240
3 Cupboard 2 125 250
4 Rack(open cupboard) 6 75 450
5 Display board 4 50 200
6 White board 1 50 50
7 Notice board 1 60 60
8 Office table 1 75 75
9 Office Chair 1 45 45
10 Books 800
11 Newspaper 2 30 yearly 60
12 Magazines 5 12 yearly 60
13 Indoor game materials 100
14 Maps, charts, Globe, pictures 100
15 administrative (transportation and communication and other) 100
Total 2750
(Two thousand seven hundred and fifty US $ only. )

Monitoring and Evaluation:
To run SAV School library, a 7-member 'SAV Library Management Committee' will be formed. In the committee there will be 2 teachers( 1 male & 1 female), 4 students ( 2 boys & 2 girls), and the Principal.
An advisory board is also formed, in which there will be chairperson of SMC (School Management Committee, 1 lady guardian & 1 Educated person from the local community who shows interest in education)
The Library management committee will work for the development of the library. It will submit the report annually. This committee will co-ordinate with all the stakeholders and other concerned agencies or groups.

Submitted by:
Govinda Prasada Panthy
SAV School.
Did you get the money you needed?
No. It's been pretty frustrating. Every lead I follow comes up a dead end. My last attempt was to contact the US Nepal embassy to see if I couldn't just donate directly to Govinda that way, but I haven't heard back from them. I only emailed, so I plan on calling, but haven't got around to it yet.



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