I recently came across a few long-standing blogs that never crossed my path during my Google searches, and I was thinking that a Classroom 2.0 discussion about blog-sharing might be helpful, since we are members of "the social network for educators using collaborative technologies".

If you have a blog you'd like to share, either your own, or one that you'd recommend, post a reply with a link to the blog, the author's name, the focus of the blog, and perhaps a few words about why you find it interesting or useful.

Update: Follow me on Twitter
Here are my blogs:

Interactive Multimedia Technology

I have another blog that I use to post my reflections about what I'm learning in my mid-life journey as a computer/tech student:
The World Is My Interactive Interface

(I changed the name of the blog to reflect my current topics.)

Update 6/15/10
It has been a very busy school year!  The exciting news is that one of my schools has a multi-touch SMARTTable, and every classroom has an interactive whiteboard.  The teachers worked very hard to ramp up their IWB skills and I'm amazed at how quickly this interactive technology was adopted.    Of course, interactive applications and websites are pretty awesome on a huge screen or display!    The best part is that this technology has opened up the minds of a good number of students with severe autism characteristics.

In April, I participated in a workshop at ACM's 2010 CHI conference. The topic of the workshop focused on the next generation of human-computer interaction and education.

I also joined the SparkOn group, "a social platform for people that are sparked (inspired) by creative and emergent technologies"

Tags: 2.0, Classroom, blog, blogging, collaborating, edublog, networking, odiogo, sharing, social, More…technology, web

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My blog is documenting the transformation of my classroom into a 21st century place for learning. My goal is to have an open demonstration classroom where teachers can see practice in action.

Here is a good blog about education technology, security, and privacy.  They focus mainly on issues regarding how edtech can be helpful, and also how it can be dangerous if not properly implemented.  You can check it out here.

Ok so I know I already shared my link but I didn't want to start a new thread for this.  If you teach upper Elementary or Middle school Reading/Writing you have to check this out.  New DVD PD resources from Nancy Atwell.  I will be begging for pennies on the street to pay for it.


Swoon, Double Swoon

My blog is dedicated to teachers of ELLs who need resources, new ideas, out-of-the-box strategies, excellent websites, etc. to support their ELLs (as well as others).  I will also be blogging for The Examiner (newspaper in San Francisco) on this same issue shortly.




WEBSITE:  www.ellteacherpros.com



High School ELL Teacher

English Language Instructional Coach

Hi Lynn and like-minded educators,


I am the principal of a school in Baltimore County that is piloting the use of IPods in our fourth and fifth grade classrooms.   We have some cool things going on.  Check out my blog for details....


We are looking for folks to share our learning and to collaborate.


Harry Walker



As a teacher and graduate student, I have been working on a blog to document the journey of using the iPod Touch in the kindergarten classroom.  My classmates and colleagues are authoring blogs that have proved to be helpful and inspiring to me over the past months and I am hoping that mine can provide the same about of help and inspiration to others.  Below is a list of the blogs that I am following for my class as well as my own blog. 


My blog: iKindergarten 

E.A. Kelly (teacher): EDET 650

B.H.E. (6th grade math): MY EDET 650 Blogspot

S. Howard (Technical Support): Forging Technology

Jennifer E (Technical Support): Staying on the Cutting Edge of Technology in SWVA

Jamie E. (Teacher): Village EduLand


Enjoy!  Katy



I blog about group projects and PBL and all the elements involved like presentations skills, optimal performance, education and communication.

Check out my posts at http://Entertheblog.com.





It doesn't cost anything to have a look :)

Hi Lyn,

Great idea to share blogs like this - especially for someone new to the concept like me.  It is always good to see what others are doing, find some "new" people to follow - and who knows, maybe even get a few more followers myself.


My blog is  http://nbnotewell.blogspot.com/  It is about all things educational  - more looking at "big picture" issues at the moment rather than specific skills in the classroom.  Hopefully it will strike a chord with a few people out there.  I'm looking forward to following some of the links presented here.  Again, a great idea for a discussion.



if you use twitter and use the #comments4kids hastag, you will get a lot of traffic to your blog.  Do a search on the tag first to see how it works.   It was set up by  NZ and US teachers about 18 months ago and has exploded!



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