I recently came across a few long-standing blogs that never crossed my path during my Google searches, and I was thinking that a Classroom 2.0 discussion about blog-sharing might be helpful, since we are members of "the social network for educators using collaborative technologies".

If you have a blog you'd like to share, either your own, or one that you'd recommend, post a reply with a link to the blog, the author's name, the focus of the blog, and perhaps a few words about why you find it interesting or useful.

Update: Follow me on Twitter
Here are my blogs:

Interactive Multimedia Technology

I have another blog that I use to post my reflections about what I'm learning in my mid-life journey as a computer/tech student:
The World Is My Interactive Interface

(I changed the name of the blog to reflect my current topics.)

Update 6/15/10
It has been a very busy school year!  The exciting news is that one of my schools has a multi-touch SMARTTable, and every classroom has an interactive whiteboard.  The teachers worked very hard to ramp up their IWB skills and I'm amazed at how quickly this interactive technology was adopted.    Of course, interactive applications and websites are pretty awesome on a huge screen or display!    The best part is that this technology has opened up the minds of a good number of students with severe autism characteristics.

In April, I participated in a workshop at ACM's 2010 CHI conference. The topic of the workshop focused on the next generation of human-computer interaction and education.

I also joined the SparkOn group, "a social platform for people that are sparked (inspired) by creative and emergent technologies"

Tags: 2.0, Classroom, blog, blogging, collaborating, edublog, networking, odiogo, sharing, social, More…technology, web

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Hi Lynn,
I'm going back to college to pursue a 2nd Masters Degree in Educational Technology and I have to keep a blog as part of my coursework. I enjoy journaling my technology experiences and I also blog about my life as a special education teacher and adaptive ski instructor.
Here is my personal blog: http://christinesouthard.blogspot.com/

Here is the blog site that Lisa Parisi and I host for our fifth graders in the South Paris Collaborative: http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=88116
Great idea! I'm not the most prolific blogger, but I write mainly about integrating technology into curriculum with a focus on low-income and second language learners. http://howdowegetfromheretothere.blogspot.com
It was good to look at your blog!
Hi Lynn
Thought you might like a repsonse from England; I am a teacher in a Catholic High School and very interested in innovative teaching and learning particularly through the use of technology. I am currently looking for a way of using social networking for education and came across this site... my blog is at: dwarddotinfo.wordpress.com and you can see students work as well as discussions and humour.
All the best, D Ward
Your blog is really interesting.
Thanks for your work and for sharing it.
Thanks! I hope it saves people some time. If I'm looking for something I've previously posted, I just do a search on the blog, and then I find it.
I like the Wikki mind map. I'll revisit your blog soon!

My students have a writing blog. They are fourth graders that use it as a sounding board for their writing ideas or just to vent. The link is http://talentedtexans.blogspot.com
I love the title of the blog! "Miss T's Talented Texans!"
I have only just began my own professional blog this month and have found looking at other people's blogs to be very useful. I will be in a new role this year which means I will not have my own class, but I will recommend blogging to teachers for their own professional development as well as a learning tool with their students.

My blog is - More than just knowing stuff

The intention of my blog is for me to document my learning journey with Web2.0 apps and more importantly see how they fit within the context of teaching and learning. As the title of my blog suggests, it is not just about knowing more stuff, but about growing and developing as a learner, communicator, collaborator and a thinker.

However, this is just a beginning in my journey.

When I first started blogging, I didn't realize that I was participating in "Web 2.0". When I added a sitemeter to my blog(s), I was amazed that people from all over the world were visiting regularly. From the beginning, I wanted my blogs to contain visual and multimedia content, since I was working on a paper about "thinking, learning and communicating through multimedia" at the time.

I have had some starts and stops as I've moved to Web 2.0. I took a programming class in 2004, and the instructor said it would be a good idea to have a blog. So I made one and posted once or twice, and then I forgot about it. I attended the 2005 Serious Games Summit and learned about Secondlife. I created an avatar and visited it a few times, but I didn't have time for it. Now its a big thing!

From the beginning, I've used my blogs as resources for my colleagues and workshop participants A blog is much a better take-away for workshop participants than a paper handout!

I joined Facebook a few months ago, since some of my classmates in a privacy and security/HCI class were doing research about it, and I was curious to see what it was about. That is how I learned about Classroom 2.0. So even though I've been online for a while, I am still learning.

Your comments made me think that I should add a sitemeter to my blog.

It has become a zen-like experience for me, posting to the blog and receiving no comments. I get a lot out of blogging (especially in terms of organizing my thinking), but it is frustrating some times. Now I am wondering if people are visiting but not commenting.




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