I recently came across a few long-standing blogs that never crossed my path during my Google searches, and I was thinking that a Classroom 2.0 discussion about blog-sharing might be helpful, since we are members of "the social network for educators using collaborative technologies".

If you have a blog you'd like to share, either your own, or one that you'd recommend, post a reply with a link to the blog, the author's name, the focus of the blog, and perhaps a few words about why you find it interesting or useful.

Update: Follow me on Twitter
Here are my blogs:

Interactive Multimedia Technology

I have another blog that I use to post my reflections about what I'm learning in my mid-life journey as a computer/tech student:
The World Is My Interactive Interface

(I changed the name of the blog to reflect my current topics.)

Update 6/15/10
It has been a very busy school year!  The exciting news is that one of my schools has a multi-touch SMARTTable, and every classroom has an interactive whiteboard.  The teachers worked very hard to ramp up their IWB skills and I'm amazed at how quickly this interactive technology was adopted.    Of course, interactive applications and websites are pretty awesome on a huge screen or display!    The best part is that this technology has opened up the minds of a good number of students with severe autism characteristics.

In April, I participated in a workshop at ACM's 2010 CHI conference. The topic of the workshop focused on the next generation of human-computer interaction and education.

I also joined the SparkOn group, "a social platform for people that are sparked (inspired) by creative and emergent technologies"

Tags: 2.0, Classroom, blog, blogging, collaborating, edublog, networking, odiogo, sharing, social, More…technology, web

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You have great links for your students. Thanks!
Here is my blog http://kirish43.edublogs.org/ My thought on all things tech along with my lists of favorite web 2.0 tools by topic
Here is the blog I use with my students http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=152058
My classroom wiki page with lessons http://computerkiddoswiki.pbwiki.com/
Anybody heard of Life of Pi by Yann Martel? Probably my favorite novel. I actually got Martel to blog with my class, along with Andrea Offermann of Germany and Tomislav Torjanac of Croatia (two premier artists who interpreted Martel's novel in the contest to create images for the illustrated version). Having my students in direct contact with such fabulous thinkers was one of my triumphs for this school year.
How did you make the connection with the writers?
For Martel, I had to go through a series of publishers, editors, journalists, and, finally, his agent. For Offermann and Torjanac, celebrities who don't likely get the solicitation Martel gets (or suffers from), I just found their websites. Have you ever had experts in your field blog with your students?
Last year, I had two surprise visitors to my blog. One was a writer who did some science writing that I had my students respond to; the other was a researcher whose work some of my students reported on. The kids were thrilled, as you well know.

This year, we have been collaborating with a teacher and her students in Victoria, Australia. Each class is doing the same assignment and we are sharing our work via various internet tools: wikis, blogs, video email, etc.
Remarkable work. How did the surprise visitors find your blog? (I should quit teaching novels, plays, and poems written by deceased people; I'd get more surprise blogging, undoubtedly.)

I've noticed that Australians are prevalent on the blogosphere. I should look into collaboration with a class there.
Friends of theirs googled, found the blog, and so on.
The Internet is all about communication and collaboration, but it is still more likely with living people (so far, at least).
Though Benjamin Franklin and other notables have MySpace pages, don't they?!
Hello Matt, Blogging is indeed taking off in Australia. As we use it more and more we discover greater educational outcomes. I teach years 4-10 and all students have individual blogs. You can find us at http://murch.globalteacher.org.au and if you scroll down the RHS you will find the techno classes with appropriate numbers for their year levels. We are always looking for co-bloggers and have just finished a wonderful collaboration with collaborationnation in the US
Hi Lyn,
Russell from Umajin introduced us via Classroom 2.0.
My blog is at http://globalmantra.blogspot.com
It would be great if you had a visit.
Kind Regards,
Hi, Gavin

I'll take a look at your blog.




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