We're planning a
feature story and need your help. What's it about? The secrets of the top social networkers—we're not seeking rock stars per se, but rather rock star ideas (Mack Collier made this point in a recent
blog post). However, we do want to focus on the people themselves—those who do something really well or have an approach that's distinctive and unique. We'll make a final selection and ask these folks for a first-person account. While this won't be so much about the tools themselves, it'd be nice to have a broad representation.
Casting as wide a net as I can here—I'm considering not just school librarians, but public library people, tech specialists, K-12 educators, administrators, vendors, and nonprofits, including library and education organizations, authors, publishers, book folk, academic libraries...
So if you have any ideas or know of a great, creative user, let me know.
Thanks very much. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kathy Ishizuka
Technology Editor
School Library Journal