Several weeks ago my students and I entered the world of blogging. We have a class blog (that I usually manage, although I am handing over control to my students) and also individual student blogs (which are linked to the class blog). We have now reached a point where we have most of the technical issues sorted out, but we lack an audience beyond our classroom. Obviously we would love people to write comments on our blogs, but I believe that my students would gain a lot from reading the blogs of other students, and contributing their comments.
If you're able to help us out we would love to hear from you. And just so you know where to look, the address to our class blog is:
Thanks - hope to hear from you!
PS: My students are Year 5 and 6 (11 & 12 year olds), and we are in Victoria, Australia

Tags: collaboration

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This is pretty cool - love the kids blogs!

You should find a way to make them more visible on your blog. It is unlikely that anyone would click on all of them to see what they have to say. So if you could elevate their content to your page, that would be cool.
Thanks for your feedback Dale. We have now begun to have "guest bloggers" from the class who write a post on a given topic, which is posted on the class blog. The kids have jumped at the opportunity to have their 'work' in a more prominent position.

I teach the same age kids as you. I'm from Ontario, Canada. Get in touch with me and we can work something out.


Hi Ryan,
That sounds great. You may like to email me at bennett.graeme.j@edumail.vic.gov.au with any ideas for how we could get our kids working together.
Graeme, maybe we could work on some kind of collaboration. Penpals? Blog Buddies? I teach in a gifted/high ability program and have students in 5th and 6th grade, each grade comes one day a week. We've had our blog for over 3 years and I could use a way to spice things up. You can see our blog here--I blog on the frontpage and the kids have their own blogs. To see what's being discussed start at "Recent Posts". What do you think? Any great ideas?
Thanks Nancy, that would be great! I don't have any great ideas at the moment, but some sort of blog buddies sounds great. I had a quick look at your blog (looks great!), and was wondering if the links to the student blogs are you current students? If so, I could begin by getting my students to read your students' blogs, and posting comments (a whole new skill for my students!)
Yes, the blogs listed are my current students. Some are currently blogging and some are not but I plan to get everybody back to blogging in the next few weeks. a fewof the students are former students 7th and 8th graders but most are 4-6th. I'll mention it to my kids and we will look forward to your comments. N

PS I think you should be able to comment without 'logging in" but if not have the kids log-in
(they can use dummy emails) and I will authorize them as users.
Hi Nancy,
My kids and I have been enjoying reading your students' blogs, but we've had some difficulty in posting comments. Consequently I have just been through the 'registration' process, which will hopefully provide us with a password that we can use to 'login'. My students can then use this when they want to post comments, although they will need to include their username/alias in their posts so that your students will be able to identify them. (Does that make sense?) Does this sound OK to you?
Graeme, I emailed your passwords. Let me know if there are any more problems. Hopefully we'll get some dialogs started. N.
I passed your information along to some teachers; hopefully you will hear from them!
Hi Graeme,
I am here! I read you need an audience for your class. My name is Aida Moreno, I am currently in Radford, Virginia, USA and I am originally from Mexico City, Mexico. I will be glad to participate in your class. Let me know how I can collaborate. Art and now Educational Technology are my fields. Looking forward to hear from your class!
Hi Aida,
Thanks for your interest. If you and your students would like to visit our class blog (with links to student blogs), that would be great. My students love to see that someone has visited their blogs, and get very excited if they receive a comment. You can find our class blog here: http://misterb.globalstudent.org.au/



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