I've used Blabberize myself; however, I haven't had my students create their own... I've heard of a few good ideas - but, I was hoping for some ways to use Blabberize with my middle school students. 


Have you used this in your classroom?  If so, how?  Did you assign it individually?  -- do whole group?  How did you upload the audio (text, phone, file)?  What did your students think?


Thanks for sharing!  Feel free to post your comments on my blog, too and share with others:  Kleinspiration Blog.


I look forward to reading your ideas!!




Erin Klein

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If you go to http://5daled2010.wikispaces.com/Photosynthesis+Rap  you can see the raps this class did in small groups using Blabberize.  This is not my wikispace but I think is is a great idea.



Thanks for the resource!





I've seen teachers use Blabberize in a few unique ways:

- For younger students, they did research projects on animals. Then, they acted as the animal and told about themselves, i.e., "I am an ocean sunfish. But some people call me a mola-mola. I move very slow..."

- For older students, they did similar reports on historical figures, i.e., "I'm George Washington, and I believe that...."

- I think it would be cool to have students do a brief monologue as the character of a book, perhaps even on a specific topic. What would Hermione Granger have to say about the treatment of house elves?

- I've also seen Blabberize videos about the water cycle, where students act as a water droplet and tell their life story. And some of periodic elements, like with Hydrogen explaining why it thinks Oxygen is SOOOOO cute.


Good luck!

During election time, you can have the students Blabberize politician pictures and record in 60 seconds or less why people should vote for them.


Historical Figure "Tales" - Have famous Historical Figures, aligned with grade level standards, tell stories and tales of their greatest accomplishments/failures.  You could also add biographical information to spice it up (birth date, death date, education, fun facts, etc).


Vocabulary - Blabberize Photos which define vocabulary words used within a specific lesson/project.  Then have the students share them with the class.  A very engaging way to jigsaw a large list of words  (divide and conquer).


Daily Lesson Plans - Blabberize Photos of yourself and play it at the beginning of class to review information, share the daily agenda, etc.  This is just a fun way to engage your visual learners and mix up your daily routine.



Those are just a few I could think of off the bat. Have fun!!








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