Looking for free/cheap Voicemail or text reception service

I'm trying to update my Alternate Reality Game with either a voicemail or text contact and I'm trying to do so cheaply. I want the kids to decode the phone number and have to call it (or text) to get the next clue. I've gone through every option I can think of...

I thought about adding another line to my existing cell contract but they charge $18 every time I want to start it up plus the $10 for the month. Since I'm going to be running the ARG at least twice a year that is going to add up quick if I go that route.

I thought about using VoIP via Skype (and I even looked into MagicJack!) but that doesn't seem to do what I want unless I'm just missing something.

I've thought about using Twitter as then the kids can at least text to @name but that really takes the necessity of using the phone out of it period.

So, does anyone know of a way this might work?

Tags: alternate, game, gaming, reality

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Have you looked at Google Voice? It's free and will give you phone number that kids can use to phone in and leave a message or text. Unfortunately you have to ask for a number and receive an invite. I don't know how long it will take to get an invite but it's worth a try since the price is right.
That will be perfect if I ever get an invite. I'm getting a server error when I try to apply now but I'll keep trying.

Problem has been solved.

I just got a pre-paid GoPhone from ATT... Don't know why I didn't think of this months ago.
I had never thought of that option. I wish I had last school year when I while I was waiting for my Google Voice invite.



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