I'm teaching senior history in Melbourne. My Yr 11s are doing Twentieth Century history and my Year 12s are studying the French Revolution. I'm keen to find classes anywhere in the world for my students to discuss what they are learning with. Let me know if you are interested or if you know of someone who might be!


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I need to get my grade 11's going on their class blog. We are taking modern history and will be studying post WWII shortly. Maybe we can get together?
Sounds good to me. My Year 11 class don't have individual blogs, or a class blog. I haven't decided what to do with them yet. I thought maybe a ning. We are doing Twentieth Century history - starting with the Holocaust and working back to 1900. Then in semester two (from July) we will be covering 1945 - 2000. We could get the kids on a ning together, or blogging and commenting on each others (which we could do within a ning) and even if they are doing different topics they can be teaching each other. A ning could have discussion groups for their different interests as well.

Let me know what you think.

I've seen some neat blogs and nings done from the perspective of people who lived in those times, that might be fun. Let me know if you want me to point you to them.
Yes, please do pass those on! I've got my Year 12 class who are doing the French Revolution to join a ning site as a particular character from the revolution. See how that goes!

thank you for your help!
Jess, Here are a few I've found so far.
I'd love to do this in the future. Of course, that's assuming that we're ever on the same topic! We will be studying and writing about genocides next month. By the end of the year, we discuss globalization. Currently, we are wrapping up WWII, and soon will cover post-war.

We work on seedebate.org, but could also set up a Ning. It sounds like we could work with a few groups?
I teach WH to Juniors (11th) and presently we are discussing Modern China (1949-Present). We would be interested in collaborating with your kids. We are a rural community in Iowa.

Kirk Thelin
Hello Jess
I sent you a message recently through diigo - I'd become really slack on keeping up with online stuff and only just now getting back into it.
My year 12 modern class next term is studying powerful individuals and doing a research assignment on a significant individual in history. Our class group is Sheldon College 12 MH on diigo. Is there any possibility our classes could collaborate? Either that or share a blog or a ning? I've got a good group of kids and if we worked it right I think it could be great for them.
Anyway, let me know if you like. Cheers.
Hey David,

Sorry it has taken me a while to get back to you! Starting next week, my Year 11 class is looking at the 20th Century from 1945 - 2000, and my Year 12 class is starting the Russian Revolution. I've already got a ning for my Year 11 class - and your class would be very welcome to join it. We could both run our classes from there and the kids could see what the other class is doing. There would be something that would overlap I"m sure and we could grab on to that for however short or long a time it works for. As for your significant individual in history - what time period? due to our Study Design we are restricted to the 20th C. Our first topic is 'Ideas and Political Power' which might just match in with some of what you are doing really well. You can see our ning at: http://20thcenturyhistory.ning.com

Let me know what you think. My kids would get real buzz out of there being other students on there!




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