I started doing 2O minute technology trainings with the staff at my school, but I am looking for other ideas. So far I have had sessions on Flickr and Audacity. Anyone have any ideas of what you do with your staff or would love to get a training on if you could?


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www.skype.com will give you all the information you are looking for. We are looking to collaborate with someone who has experience with skype. We are not interested in Skype itself, we are interested in the material over the collabortion.
Have you heard of pageflakes??? http://www.pageflakes.com
I think it is a great tool for teachers. Basically, it allows the owner to make one or more pages. These pages have flakes that are links to blogs, or bookmarks, or calendars, or to-do list (and MANY more tools). The coolest feature is that each page can be private, semi-private or public. It is not easy to explain in words. So here is my page http://www.pageflakes.com/jodie_tech I also have a private page that is the blogs and journals that I read, and my to-do list. I even made one for my 7yr old son that is his homepage, so he can get to Mom-approved sites easily. His page is http://www.pageflakes.com/masontyler .

I just started using this last week and I am hooked.
No, I haven't heard of this. Sounds interesting-I'll have to check it out.
Seems like a wiki

pageflakes? no, it's like igoogle
how would you use this with students?
I guess it would be a teacher tool and student resource, but I could also see it being a project page. Maybe a Class site with pages for different projects. I see Texas History and a page for the Alamo, another for the Republic, another for Statehood, etc.

On my pageflake is a blog, a calendar, and bookmarks. Plus I make flakes to highlight different things. If you set the page to semi-private and invite your students then I think the message board could be useful. Just doesn't have the monitoring side.

I love the fact that it is web-based and I am not tied to working only at school where I can access my H:drive. I also love that I can update on the fly.

BTW, I am really happy with having my seven year old a pageflake as his homepage. It allows him to go straight to Mom-approved sites and he can get back to the pageflake by click the home button. It has been a major time saver for me. He can only use the computer if I am in the room but now I can cook dinner, fold clothes, etc because I am not running over to type urls or redirect him every 2 minutes. I can see it being used that way for centers or labs.

Sorry for rambling, I get soo excited about technology sometimes. Do they have medication for that???
That's okay! :) I think I have the same problem. This sounds very useful, thank you for sharing!
I would do twenty minutes on google notebook. The power of right clicking something and sending it to that notebook is very powerful for most teachers.
Google docs are great in the classroom. Some other good programs/sites are:

Web 2.0 stuff:
Wikis - great for project work
I-Cue - mostly for social studies teachers
Social networking tools - plurk, ning, facebook (to show them how to build their own learning groups)
Creative Commons

Google Sketchup
Cue card

One that is absolutely necessary would be RSS readers and feeds
Hi, I have recently created a directory of web 2.0 tools. Any of the tools would make for a good 20 minute session and there are enough out there to keep you going for a while. The address is http://web2educationuk.wetpaint.com/

Hope it helps,

Darren Walker
Thanks-I'll check it out!



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