Hello.  I work for a small district in NE Texas.  We are a Google Apps for Education district.  I also co-host a podcast called "The Tightwad Tech" that emphasizes doing more with less in regards to extending the use of technology on the usual meager educational budget.  We are looking for teachers to interview for next week's episode that are currently using Google Apps with students.  If you are a teacher using Google Apps with your students and would like to share your experiences with the Google goodness with a global audience, we would love to have you on the show.  Please respond to this post if you are interested or shoot me an email at: shawn@thetightwadtech.com

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We have been using Google Apps Ed. for 2 1/2 years. It is a great. Click Here
Hey Roger,

I checked out your link. Good information. It was nice to read through someone else's experience in making the transition. Would you be interested in coming on the show? The Tightwad Tech is a podcast about doing more with less with regards to technology in education. We have several hundred listeners from around the world. My co-host, Mark, and I work for a school district in NE Texas and have accomplished some amazing things by stretching the educational dollar. We want to share what we and others are doing in this arena.

Please let me know if you would be willing to come on or, if you know another teacher that is using Google Apps in creative ways, please forward their info along to me. Thank you for your response and I look forward to hearing from you.

-Shawn Kibel
Our middle school ELA PLC group put together a 10 question MC assessment to see where our students might need help in 10 specific areas of editing. We struggled to work with compiling the data in a quick efficient manner so as to plan mini lessons for those who need additional work. I just discovered we could put this assessment into Google Forms allowing students to take the assessment online and which inputs the data directly into a spreadsheet so we can quickly monitor results and group accordingly. It is so simple and so fast. Now we will be able to construct other pre and post assessments, monitor results, and group accordingly, all in a timely fashion. (We now need to explore the wider range of forms possible!) And this is all free through Google Docs!

Thank you for your reply. Sounds like a great use of Google Apps. Unfortunately, we have already released this episode. I would have loved to have you on. I don't doubt that we will do some sort of follow-up episode in the future so I will keep you on our list of contacts.

Thanks Again!
Hi Shawn,
Our school has started using Google Apps this year (or I should say about 4 teachers have). I am learning as I go, but am having a blast. I teach Computer Applications to all freshmen and have introduced them to Google Docs, presentations, and sites. They have "taken off" with it. My students have collaborated on group projects, which has been fun to watch. All students are required to develop a portfolio with certain criteria for graduation and this year I've started the freshmen using Sites to create their ePortfolios. Their work is kept in their folder that is shared with me. I also had my other classes create folders to upload their PhotoShop and InDesign work to. My classes are paperless and I love it. I don't have to carry home papers to correct, just my laptop!
You were the person I was looking for! This is exactly what we were hoping to highlight in the show. Unfortunately we have already recorded and released this episode. I will keep you on our list of potential guests and may contact you in the future as this sounds like some great examples.

Thank you for your reply....




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