Hello everyone. I am a Middle School principal in Illinois and looking for opportunities to incorporate some distance contact with students or people who feel they can share expertise in various areas.

Let me know your pleasure. We have teachers in 6th 7th and 8th grades looking for opportunities in all subject areas.

In the end, the other party (parties) will help us decide how to best incorporate and utilize the technology. A bit like reverse engineering - we want to explore the technology first and find ways to tie it back to curriculum / standards.

Also, anyone with successful experiences, please feel free to share as we are constantly looking for ideas.


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Hello Traci, I teach second grade in Kingston, Tennessee. We are the first classroom to do video conferencing in our school district and we are really enjoying it. I had to come up with some sort of parental release (for live video feed) since no one had ever done it before thus no form for parents to sign. Our Skype name is "Kingston Elementary" if you ever have a classroom want to talk! Thanks!
Hi! I am a k - 5 computer teacher in Millburn, NJ. We have just started using Skype to talk to other schools in the town, state and country. We are looking for other school is talk to, read to and practice our Spanish.
If interested please email: sandler@millburn.org
a wiki skype directory for teachers! http://skypeinschools.pbwiki.com/
I love it!
Skype about what topic? Interested in skype with 8th grade U.S. History students? I have wanted to have a live debate with another history classroom. What do you think about this possibility?
This looks great, Mea. I am going to share this directory with some teachers and administrators I work with. I'm wondering why they don't call it "Global Collaborations" in Schools, though.
Check out http://skypeinschools.pbwiki.com We'd be glad to have you in our group!
I had 7th graders Skype with medical students for a disease project. They conducted an iSearch, developed questions after researching a disease and interviewed med students from a local medical university. I contacted the librarian at the university and after some work, we were able to skype with experts. It was great! If you have a specific content area you want experts for, inquire with a librarian at your state universities. Right now I am looking for experts for students researching a topic of their choice. It much more difficult to find 25 different experts for a variety of topics. Maybe a senior group of some kind.
Hi, Yvonne. What a GREAT story. I'm doing a Future of Education interview on April 9th (http://www.futureofeducation.com) on the "long tail" in education, and this experience would be perfect to discuss. Any interest in being a part of that show?

Another option that might be really fun would be to schedule another interview that could actually involve your students being a part of it. Think that's worth pursuing?



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