Looking to start or join a global collaborative project

I teach fourth grade in Detroit, MI. I am looking to link up with classrooms from around the globe for a technology-centered project. We're able to use Skype, podcasting, wikis, Edmodo, and more. We are open to anyone's ideas and also open to joining existing projects. 

A couple of ideas that I had include an online book club (a la http://bookclub21.wikispaces.com, a project I started last year but that never got off the ground) or a project about hometowns (a la Life Round Here http://liferoundhere.pbworks.com, which I don't think is running this year). But, again, I'm open to anything.

I think my class would be a good match for projects for fourth, fifth and sixth grades. We could start anytime after mid-September. If you are involved in a project, interested in collaborating, or have an exciting idea in mind, please let me know. Thanks.

Tags: collaboration, elementary

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http://theedublogger.com/want-to-connect-with-other-classrooms/ I found this site. It has some Candian teacher information in it.

Hi Ben

I'm sure we have students in our 4-6's classes who would love to connect with your class. We are located in the Latrobe Valley an power influenced industrial area in Gippsland, Victoria Australia. We only have 5 grades at our school and 110 students. As yet we don't have any global projects on the go, but are looking to connect. Next term (from Oc 9th) we are moving into our new building which will house 3 grades (year 2/3/4, year 4/5 and year 5/6). It will be a perfect oppotunity to have a project started with another school as we will have a shared collaborative area in this building and access to 30 netbooks.

Let me know what you think and I can arrange it with the teachers.

Sharon King (Principal - Yallourn North Primary School)



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