First of all, I would like to introduce myself.  My name is Brooks
Greene, I am a graduate student at the University of Nebraska at
Kearney.  I teach at a small high school in Nebraska called Medicine Valley.  Currently I am conducting research on Marzano's nine essential
instructional strategies  and was looking for your help on the topic of
Setting Objective and Providing Feedback.  I was
wondering if there was anyone who has any articles or personal thoughts you could
give me to aid in my research.  Thanks to anyone who responds, every little bit helps.

Thanks again,
Brooks Greene

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Brooks, I teach college pre-service elementary teachers a math and science methods course. Much of the learning in my course is related to Marzano's nine effective teaching strategies. I try to remind my students that they must decide what they want students to know and be able to do. This then becomes their objectives. The decision should be based on state and national standards and performance indicators as well as information gleened from their students. What do their students already know. Administer "probes" to determine knowledge and possible misconseptions. Then decide on the objectives. These might include both content and process skills. Ask students to also participate in goal setting for the unit of study.
Then throughout that unit, the teacher needs to provide speific, meaningful feedback as she/he uses ongoing formative assessment strategies such as "clipboard cruising,' notebook quick writes, sketches/diagrams, quizzes, and verbal and facial cues.
Good luck with your research.
Thanks for your help, it's very appreciated.
Hi Brooks.

What kind of information exactly are you looking for here?



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