

TenMarks has launched a math practice and learning program for grades 3 - High School and as of today, it’s FREE for teachers to use in class or for their students to use at home.


The TenMarks approach gives students a variety of problems on each topic, and ability to use hints if they need a little nudge, and immediate video lessons for them to refresh and learn the topic – on the spot. The end result – students refresh what they know and learn what they don’t.


Teachers choose their own curriculum (mapped to state standards), assign work to students, have it automatically graded immediately, review individual and class performance, and most importantly, take immediate action. TenMarks is super effective and real easy to use – it was designed with the help of math teachers across the country. What’s more - it's FREE for the entire class!


Check it out at http://www.tenmarks.com/teachers


Tags: Classroom, Education, Math, Resources, Teachers

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Thanks for your comment - its FREE for teachers to use today. Do let me know if you have any specific feedback, in case you have anymore questions please feel free to write in at dan@tenmarks.com

I am interested in how this compares to Sumdog, which now offers all of its games/activities free.  My students love the Competitions aspect of Sumdog.

Hi David,


While it would not be appropriate for us to comment on another site. TenMarks is currently offering a FREE math practice environment which allows teachers to assign work to the student both at an album (concept) as well as at a track (topic) level with amazing ease. Each of the questions has hints and video lessons to help the students when they are "stuck", when they are most receptive to help. On demand help enables easy learning and boosts confidence.


All in all its a supplemental resource that can be used by teachers to support and enhance their students learning.

This seemed like a nice offer and signed up for account, but then found out that it was free for teachers, but the students had to pay for accounts.

Hi Lonny,

The students do not have to pay for the accounts, yes we have an upgrade version for families who want a little bit more but as part of the FREE program you get the following & more...


- Each student gets a personalized account with a curriculum that you the teacher has chosen, mapped to state standards and customized to your lesson plans.

- Students can practice topics covered in class, complete assignments, or review past concepts to refresh themselves - whenever they want, as much as they want. No limits.

- Students can also unlock games and certificates based on their performance to keep them motivated.

- The teacher account allows teachers to monitor, assign and review their students work. Teachers can easily assign work to their students or even send them a note congratulating them on their good work.


For more details you can also visit our FAQ section http://www.tenmarks.com/tmother/faq


Hope this helps


Thanks, Dan. I had gone a couple of months ago when I first heard about this and created a free teacher account. When I went to enroll students, I came across the issue of cost. I'll definitely check this out again.
I just tested this with one student. This seems like a great program to integrate into the math program. How long will all of this remain free?

:) :)




Our vision as of today is to keep this program FREE for teachers . We'd like to contribute and help as many kids as we can - to overcome their hesitation in math and build their confidence.

We do offer premium programs at a nominal charge for families who need a little more help!

Thank you for sharing this....It's a great tool for students who need extra help in MATH....Love it!

Thank you so much Janina :)


If you have any specific feedback feel free to reach me at dan@tenmarks.com.





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